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U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Public Affairs
Dallas, Texas
For Immediate Release
Tues., Nov. 4, 2003
Contact: Diana Petterson or Elizabeth Todd
(214) 767-4776, Ext. 222 or 221

Women's Bureau To Co-Host Financial Empowerment Program for Latinas in San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – The U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau, along with AVANCE, a local non-profit group working with Hispanic families, is co-hosting a financial literacy conference for Latinas in San Antonio entitled, "Las Mujeres y El Dinero," (Women and Money.) The event will be held Sat., Nov. 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the J. F. Kennedy High School, 1922 S. General McMullen Drive.

"Las Mujeres y el Dinero' is a project designed by the Women's Bureau to empower Latinas to become independent and secure in their own financial futures," said Shinae Chun, Women's Bureau director in Washington and a guest speaker at the event. "As working women, we should know all there is about taking care of every aspect of our lives and that includes our financial security."

Workshops will include information on credit repair, investments and savings plans, home ownership, elderly living on a fixed income, anti-predatory lending and a financial safety net. The workshops will be held in Spanish and English.

A conference highlight is that registered participants can receive a free credit report and review the report with credit counselors available during the event. Lunch will be provided, as well as transportation and childcare. Please pre-register by calling (210) 227-4357.

The project officially began at the 18th Annual National Conference of the Hispanic Women's Corporation on October 23 in Phoenix. Participation included business representatives, community leaders and public officials. This financial security initiative is part of the U.S. Department of Labor's efforts to promote a secure workforce.

The program marks a yearlong effort during which the Women's Bureau will host financial security meetings in each of its 10 regions. For more information on the Women's Bureau and the remaining meetings throughout the U.S., please check the Women's Bureau website at

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