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Have a Problem with Indoor Mold?

The problems of moisture and mold in building structures have increased for many of the same reasons that Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a more significant problem. Molds can trigger asthma episodes in sensitive individuals with asthma and can also trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Floods, broken pipes, roofs or other shell leakage problems can now result in higher moisture levels and more mold inside buildings. Since all molds require water or moisture, the key to preventing or controlling mold growth is to remove the source of water or moisture. If you have a mold problem and would like to know what to do, EPA has an excellent guide on its Mold Resources web page.

If you have an interest, concern or questions on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) please call or contact Region 3 using our toll free hotline ( 1-800-438-2474) and talk with one of our specialists. If a computer is more convenient then you can e-mail us with your question or discussion topic at ozone.r3@epa.gov.

For more information on indoor air quality issues, see our Indoor Air Quality and radon information pages, as well as our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Cristina Schulingkamp - schulingkamp.cristina@epa.gov  [215-814-2086]

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