Welcome to comPADRE! Resources for Physics and Astronomy Communities.

Featured Collection

AAPT Advanced Labs

AAPT Advanced Labs
A website for individuals interested in the development and teaching of all types of upper-division and graduate level instructional physics laboratories.

Did You Know?
The Physics Front organizes resources for new and cross-over teachers into units. View the units here.

The ComPADRE Digital Library is An NSDL Pathway Sponsored in part by NSF grants DUE-0226129 and DUE-0532798.

The ComPADRE Digital Library is a network of free online resource collections supporting faculty, students, and teachers in Physics and Astronomy Education.

Each of our collections contain materials designed for a specific community. Browse below to find a collection right for you.

For Students

For Teachers

For Faculty - General

  • OSP
    Open Source Physics
  • PER-Central
    Physics Education Research
  • PSRC
    Physical Sciences Resource Center
  • PTEC
    Physics Teacher Education Coalition
  • uCOMP
    Computational Physics

For Faculty - Courses


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ComPADRE is working with multiple groups interested in facilitating physics educators.


Learn more about our collaborators or explore potential collaboration opportunities.

Sponsors and Partners

ComPADRE is generously supported by the following organizations:


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