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Death Valley National Park
Curriculum Materials
2MB PDF file
Junior Ranger in the Classroom
Curriculum Guide
(2MB PDF) 
Appropriate for 6th – 7th grade California and Nevada students, this curriculum encourages students to explore how geologic changes affect people and what draws people to our night skies. A workbook for students that corresponds to this guide is available. Please contact the park for more details.
Little Blue Pupfish
Pupfish Curriculum: The World of the Small

The World of the Small
Pupfish Curriculum Guide
 (24MB PDF)
Designed for 3rd grade California and 4th grade Nevada students. This curriculum introduces students to the world of the pupfish. Pupfish species have adapted to survive in some of the harshest conditions. Many species can only be found in one small area and nowhere else in the world.

Mojave Desert Discovery

Mojave Desert Discovery
A resource guide about the Mojave Desert ecosystem for teachers of upper elementary students. Here are the Mojave Desert Discovery content standards for California public schools.

  • Printed versions of the guide are available from Joshua Tree National Park Association, 760-367-5525 for $15.
  • Digital versions in PDF format are available to teachers at no cost from Joshua Trees's education office, 760-367-3011. The CD also includes a slide show of images from Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Lake Mead, and Mojave.
  • Or, you may download a digital version from the Joshua Tree National Park website. 
Mojave Desert Issues

Mojave Desert Issues is a secondary school curriculum that helps develop critical thinking skills by looking at issues facing national parks. Here are the Mojave Desert Issues content standards for California public schools.

  • Printed versions of the curriculum are available from Joshua Tree National Park Association, 760-367-5525 for $15.
  • Digital versions in PDF format are available to teachers at no cost from the Joshua Tree education office, 760-367-3011. The CD also includes a slide show of images from Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Lake Mead, and Mojave.
  • Or, you may download a digital version (1mb PDF) from the Joshua Tree National Park website. 

To contact us:
Education Specialist
Death Valley National Park
PO Box 579
Death Valley, CA 92328
(760) 786-3226

Desert Five Spot  

Did You Know?
Death Valley is home to more than 1000 species of plants and more than 50 of those are endemics, found nowhere else in the world.

Last Updated: March 15, 2009 at 12:27 EST