Table 4-5
Estimated share of computer-related services in company-funded R&D and domestic net sales of R&D-performing companies: 1987–2003
  Company-funded Domestic
Year R&D net sales
1987 3.8 1.4
1988 3.6 1.5
1989 3.4 1.4
1990 3.7 1.5
1991 3.6 1.6
1992 4.0 1.6
1993 8.2 1.5
1994 6.6 2.2
1995 8.8 3.3
1996 8.8 2.6
1997 9.1 2.5
1998 9.5 2.2
1999 10.6 2.2
2000 10.9 2.8
2001 13.0 3.5
2002 14.6 5.4
2003 14.3 3.5

NOTES: Data before 1998 are for companies classified in Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industries 737 (computer and data processing services) and 871 (engineering, architectural, and surveying services). For 1998 on, data are for companies classified in North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries 5112 (software), 51 minus (511, 513; other information), and 5415 (computer systems design and related services). With SIC classification, information technology services share of company-funded R&D is 10.4% for 1998, indicating that SIC-based data may overestimate information technology services R&D and net sales relative to NAICS-based data.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Industrial Research and Development, special tabulations (2005).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006