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Engine Certification Information, Templates, and Tutorials

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This web page provides the electronic file templates, and tutorials on using these forms, for certifying some internal combustion engines to EPA standards. The engines to which this information applies are all engines other than engines in light duty vehicles driven on the road. All new engines sold in the US must be certified.

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Contact Foster Morrison (morrison.foster@epa.gov),  telephone: 202-343-9298 for help with certification issues. Contact us if you require accessibility help for these files.

Engine Certification Templates
Class Ignition Type Size Templates (FileMaker Format)
Non-road On-highway Compression Ignition (CI) Large 770K ZIP (April 2007)
Non-road (Phase II Final) Spark Ignition (SI) Small (≤19kW) 420K ZIP (May 2003)
Non-road (Ver. 1.2) Spark Ignition (SI) Large(>19kW) 320K ZIP (February 2008)
Marine and IMO (Ver. 2.1) Compression Ignition (CI) -- 100K ZIP (March 2009)
Marine (Ver. 3.0) Spark Ignition (SI) -- 70K ZIP (April 2009)
Locomotive (Ver. 1.0) Compression Ignition (CI) -- 320K ZIP (October 2003)
Snowmobile (Ver. 1.5) Spark Ignition (SI) -- 80K ZIP (May 2007)
Evaporative (Ver. 1.0) Spark Ignition (SI) -- 60K ZIP (October 2008)

Engine Certification Template Tutorials

Small Non-road Spark-Ignition Engine - Phase II,  July 7, 1999

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Engine Certification Averaging, Banking & Trading Report Templates

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Engine Certification Guidance Documents

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