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Everglades National ParkLoop Road Camp
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Everglades National Park
Guest Speakers
Looking for a National Park Service Ranger to appear at your next career fair, science day, or community event? Everglades National Park will provide Rangers to speak on a variety of topics at community or educational programs throughout South Florida. We strive to meet all requests, however, our ability to participate depends on staffing and availability, so get your request in early by completing the Outreach Request Form below and follow directions for submittal. 
Teacher and Students
Self Guided Trips
Teachers can arrange to bring students to the park on their own.
 Ranger & Teacher
Ranger Guided Trips
Teachers can register their classes to participate in ranger-led tours.
 Slough Slog
Special Programs
Information on how to arrange a special program for your groupl
 Ranger with Students
Plan a Field Trip
Learn how to plan and arrange a trip for your class

Did You Know?
Limestone is the porous, sedimentary rock you see in the Everglades. These rocks are made of calcium and contain fossils of sea life, evidence of ancient seas that once covered the area. The limestone aquifer under the Everglades acts as the principal water recharge area for all of south Florida.

Last Updated: December 07, 2008 at 13:16 EST