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Award Abstract #0140355
Cavity QED with Localized Atoms

Division of Physics
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Initial Amendment Date: April 12, 2002
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Latest Amendment Date: June 30, 2006
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Award Number: 0140355
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Award Instrument: Continuing grant
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Program Manager: Charles W. S. Conover
PHY Division of Physics
MPS Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
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Start Date: August 1, 2002
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Expires: July 31, 2007 (Estimated)
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Awarded Amount to Date: $1776573
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Investigator(s): H. Kimble hjkimble@caltech.edu (Principal Investigator)
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Sponsor: California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd
PASADENA, CA 91125 626/395-6219
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Field Application(s): 0000099 Other Applications NEC
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Program Reference Code(s): OTHR, 1768, 0000
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Program Element Code(s): 1290


This research program explores quantum dynamical processes for individual atoms strongly coupled to the field of an optical cavity. The scientific objectives of the proposed research include investigations of atomic kinetics in a quantized light field and of the resulting entanglement between atomic motion and the optical field. The specific setting for the research is that of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) in a domain of strong coupling whereby single atoms and photons can profoundly impact the evolution of the composite system.

The proposed research builds upon the previously realized "atom-cavity microscope" for tracking the motion of individual atoms bound in orbit by single photons inside a high-quality optical resonator. The strong interaction of atom and cavity field allows atomic motion to be sensed in real time at the quantum limits, thereby enabling the implementation of quantum feedback to control atomic motion within the resonator. The proposed program of research investigates the operating principles for such "quantum servos ", including probing the quantum limits for observation and control of the microscopic quantum world. The goal is the coherent manipulation of quantum motion in ways that are not possible using ordinary feedback control. Although the proposed

research is principally experimental, a supporting theoretical effort is also to be undertaken.

Within a more general context, the significance of the research program lies in its attempt to exploit the atom-cavity system as a paradigm for the investigation of quantum dynamical processes for open quantum systems in a regime of strong coupling. Cavity QED with strong coupling propels optical physics well beyond traditional nonlinear optics and laser physics into a new regime with dynamical processes now involving atoms and photons taken one by one. By developing qualitatively new technical capabilities in optical physics, the research addresses fundamental issues related to the advancement of quantum information science and technology.


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A. Boca, R. Miller, K. M. Birnbaum, A. D. Boozer, J. McKeever, and H. J. Kimble.  "Observation of the Vacuum-Rabi Spectrum for One Trapped Atom,"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.93,  2004,  p. 233603.

A. D. Boozer, A. Boca, J. R. Buck, J. McKeever, and H. J. Kimble.  "Comparison of Theory and Experiment for a One-Atom Laser in a Regime of Strong Coupling,"  Phys. Rev. A,  v.70,  2004,  p. 023814.

A. D. Boozer, A. Boca, R. Miller, T. E. Northup, and H. J. Kimble.  "Cooling to the Ground State of Axial Motion for One Atom Strongly Coupled to an Optical Cavity,"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.97,  2006,  p. 083602.

A. Kuzmich, W. P. Bowen, A. D. Boozer, A. Boca, C. W. Chou, L.-M. Duan, H. J. Kimble.  "Generation of Nonclassical Photon Pairs for Scalable Quantum Communication with Atomic Ensembles,"  Nature,  v.423,  2003,  p. 731.

Boozer, A. D.; Boca, A.; Miller, R; Northup, T. E.; H. J. Kimble, H. J..  "Reversible State Transfer between Light and a Single Trapped Atom,"  Physical Review Letters,  v.98,  2007,  p. 193601.

C. W. Chou, H. de Riedmatten, D. Felinto, S. V. Polyakov, S. J. van Enk, and H. J. Kimble.  "Measurement-Induced Entanglement for Excitation Stored in Remote Atomic Ensembles,"  Nature,  v.438,  2005,  p. 828.

C. W. Chou, S. V. Polyakov, A. Kuzmich, and H. J. Kimble.  "Single-Photon Generation from Stored Excitation in an Atomic Ensemble,"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.92,  2004,  p. 213601.

Chou, Chin-Wen; Laurat, Julien; Deng, Hui; Choi, Kyung Soo; de Riedmatten, Hugues; Felinto, Daniel; Kimble, H. Jeff.  "Functional Quantum Nodes for Entanglement Distribution over Scalable Quantum Networks,"  Science,  v.316,  2007,  p. 1316.

D. Felinto, C.W. Chou, H. de Riedmatten, S.V. Polyakov, and H.J. Kimble.  "Control of Decoherence in the Generation of Photon Pairs from Atomic Ensembles,"  Phys. Rev. A,  v.72,  2005,  p. 053809.

de Riedmatten, H.; Laurat, J.; Chou, C. W.; Schomburg, E. W.; Felinto, D.; Kimble, H. J..  "Direct measurement of decoherence for entanglement between a photon and stored atomic excitation,"  Physical Review Letters,  v.97,  2006,  p. 113603.

Felinto, D.; Chou, C. W.; Laurat, J.; Schomburg, E. W.; de Riedmatten, H.; Kimble, H. J..  "Conditional Control of the Quantum States of Remote Atomic Memories for Quantum Networking,"  Nature Physics,  v.2,  2006,  p. 844.

H. J. Kimble.  "Converting Photons to Decibels -- Travels with John Hall in Quantum Optics Land,"  Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of John L. Hall (World Scientific, 2005),  2006,  p. 50.

H. J. Kimble.  "Comment on 'Deterministic Single-Photon Source for Distributed Quantum Networking',"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.90,  2003,  p. 249801.

H. J. Kimble and S. J. van Enk.  "Push-Button Teleportation,"  Nature,  v.429,  2004,  p. 712.

H. J. Kimble, A. Boca, A. D. Boozer, W. P. Bowen, J. R. Buck, C. W. Chou, L.-M. Duan, A. Kuzmich, and J. McKeever.  "Cavity QED by the Numbers,"  Proceedings of XVI International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, eds. P. Hannaford, A. Sidorov, H. Bachor, and K. Baldwin,  2004,  p. 259.

J. McKeever, A. Boca, A. D. Boozer, J. R. Buck, and H. J. Kimble.  "Experimental Realization of a One-Atom Laser in the Regime of Strong Coupling,"  Nature,  v.425,  2003,  p. 268.

J. McKeever, A. Boca, A. D. Boozer, R. Miller, J. R. Buck, A. Kuzmich, and H. J. Kimble.  "Deterministic Generation of Single Photons from One Atom Trapped in a Cavity,"  Science,  v.303,  2004,  p. 1992.

J. McKeever, J. R. Buck, A. D. Boozer and H. J. Kimble.  "Determination of the Number of Atoms Trapped in an Optical Cavity,"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.93,  2004,  p. 143601.

J. McKeever, J. R. Buck, A. D. Boozer, A. Kuzmich, H.-C. Nagerl, D. M. Stamper-Kurn, H. J. Kimble.  "State-Insensitive Trapping of Single Atoms in an Optical Cavity,"  Phys. Rev. Lett.,  v.90,  2003,  p. 133602.

J. R. Buck, H. J. Kimble.  "Optimal sizes of dielectric microspheres for cavity QED with strong coupling,"  Phys. Rev. A,  v.67,  2003,  p. 033806.

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