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Information Quality

OEI develops Agency-wide policies, procedures and tools for quality-related activities relating to the collection and use of environmental information. OEI also oversees the implementation of quality systems by Agency organizations. The goal of this Agency-wide Quality System is to ensure that EPA's programs and decisions are supported by data and information of the type and quality needed for their intended use.

EPA's Quality System
Provides the framework for planning, implementing, documenting, and assessing work performed by the Agency and for carrying out required quality assurance and quality control activities.

Information Quality Guidelines (IQGs)
EPA's Information Quality Guidelines create a mechanism that enables the public to seek and obtain, where appropriate, correction of information disseminated by the EPA.

Integrated Error Correction Process (IECP)
IECP is a Web-based process that draws on a national data steward network to track and resolve reported data errors.

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