Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Demographic Baseline Report of U.S. Territories and Counties Adjacent to Coral Reef Habitats

Demographic Baseline Report of U.S. Territories and Counties Adjacent to Coral Reef Habitats
Right-click on the image to download the full report (pdf, 49MB)

This report is a compilation and synthesis of information from existing sources, focusing on recent demographic, economic, and population projection variables of resident populations in U.S. jurisdictions adjacent to coral reef habitats. Variables reported on include: population and density, population and adjacent coral reef habitat, gender, age, place of birth, race/ethnicity, language, education, income, employment, housing, development and tourism.

Below is the complete report. To receive a hard copy of the report, email name and mailing information to

Full Report in high resolution (pdf, 49MB)

Full Report in low resolution (pdf, 3MB)

Front Matter (pdf, 5MB)

Threats (pdf, 4MB)

National Summary (pdf, 2.3MB)

Guam (pdf, 5.6MB)

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (pdf, 5.4MB)

American Samoa (pdf, 6.5MB)

Hawaii (pdf, 4.3MB)

Florida (pdf, 4.6MB)

U.S. Virgin Islands (pdf, 6.5MB)

Puerto Rico (pdf, 5MB)

Methods References (pdf, 208Kb)

Back Cover (pdf, 148Kb)
