Stay Eligible for SURE - Plant Sorghum
During the 2008 farm bill, NSP worked closely with Congress to make sure producers had the option to plant a second crop behind a failed early crop without damaging eligibility for Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE), a new disaster program created in the 2008 farm bill.

Get the facts about your SURE eligibility.
Click here to read the latest information in Sorghum Notes.

Click here to see the Farm Service Agency's most recent clarification document.

Our Planet Television
Special thanks to the Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association and Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association for their support which allowed NSP to work with the Our Planet television series seen at right.

Working to Improve Risk Management Tools
The National Sorghum Producers testified at a hearing on the effectiveness of crop insurance programs before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Learn more here.

Get Ready for the Yield Contest!
2009 Yield and Management Contest applications are here.

2008 Yield and Management Contest Results.

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