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Poultry Processing Industry eTool
Plant-Wide Hazards
Receiving and Killing
Cutting and Deboning
Receiving and Killing

Task 1: Forklift Operator

The forklift operator uses a forklift to move large catch-cages of poultry from transport trucks to the conveyor dumper system. This process moves from the outside to the inside of the dock area.

Hazards of this task may include:

Hazardous Situation:
Forklifts are driven in heavily congested areas where many other operations are being performed. Visibility and sightlines can be limited, increasing the chance of collisions between machinery and employees.
Possible Solutions:
  • Use signs and policies to prohibit others from entering into these areas.
  • Use horn when appropriate to alert others.
  • Improve lighting where applicable.
  • Drive forklift backwards when moving loads.
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Defective forklift
Hazardous Situation:
Over a long period of time the solid rubber wheel on the front of the forklift has developed a flat spot, resulting in unstable loads and poor handling.
Possible Solutions:
  • Train operators to inspect and recognize potential problems or hazards.
  • Implement equipment inspection plan.
  • Report and correct problems as soon as identified.
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Slips and falls
Hazardous Situation:
The employee is outside and is exposed to all weather conditions: rain, snow, ice, and heat, resulting in possible slips or falls from working/walking on slippery surfaces.
Possible Solutions:
  • Provide a roof or cover over forklift operations.
  • Reduce slippery surface conditions (e.g., snow removal).
  • Wear anti-skid footwear.
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Strains, reaches and cuts
Hazardous Situation:
Employee must release pull chain to remove chicken cages from trucks, resulting in strains from reaching and possible cuts.
Possible Solutions:
  • Provide gloves to pad and protect hands.
  • Provide ladders or platforms so employee can be repositioned to minimize awkward postures.
  • Minimize manual handling of large cages so employees are not exposed to conditions where strains may occur.
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