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Thanks for visiting the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Web site for Picturing America and reviewing our terms of use.

Privacy Statement
Personal Information
Information Collected and Stored Automatically
External Links
Use of Content from this Web Site

Privacy Statement

Maintaining the privacy of our users is important to us and our privacy policy is clear. We will collect no personal information about you when you visit our Web site unless you choose to provide that information to us.

Personal Information

If you provide us with information about yourself via e-mail or our Web site, your information will be used only for the purposes described at the point of collection, such as to send you information or to respond to your questions or comments. If you provide contact information, NEH staff or our contractors or partners may contact you to clarify your comment or question, or to learn about your satisfaction with our services.

We do not sell any personal information to third parties. We never collect information or create individual profiles for commercial or marketing purposes.

We may share information you give us with another government agency if your inquiry relates to that agency. In other limited circumstances, such as responses to requests from Congress and private individuals, we may be required by law to disclose information you submit.

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Information Collected and Stored Automatically

If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the Web site, read pages, or download information, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit:

  1. The Internet domain (for example "" if you use a private Internet access account, or "your" if you connect from a university) and IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web) from which you access our Website;
  2. The type of browser and operating system used to access our Web site;
  3. The date and time you access our Web site;
  4. The pages you visit; and
  5. If you linked to our Web site from another Website, the address of that Website.

We use this information to help us make our Web site more useful to visitors and to learn about the number of visitors to our Web site and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track or record information about individuals and their visits.

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"Cookies" are small bits of text that are either used for the duration of a session ("session cookies"), or saved on a user's hard drive in order to identify that user, or information about that user, the next time the user logs on to a Web site ("persistent cookies").

We do not use persistent cookies on our Web site. Our Web site does use non-persistent or session cookies to provide streamlined navigation throughout our site and for statistical analysis. These per-session cookies do not permanently record data and are not stored on your computer's hard drive. They are deleted from the server soon after your session ends and are not collected or saved. You can set up your web browser to inform you when cookies are set or to prevent cookies from being set. You can still use our Web site if you do not accept the cookies, but you may be unable to use certain cookie-dependent features.

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External Links

We provide links from our Web site to external Web sites because they provide information that may interest our users. This is provided as a convenience only. External links do not constitute an endorsement by NEH of the information, opinions, products, or services presented on the external Web site, or of any Web sites linked to it. 

We are not responsible for the legality or accuracy of information on externally linked Web sites, or for any costs incurred while using externally linked Web sites.  We cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials in externally linked Web sites and are not responsible for transmissions you may receive from externally linked Web sites.

Once you link to another Web site, you are subject to the privacy policy and terms and conditions of the new Web site.  We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any Web site you link to from ours, especially if you share any personal information. Be informed. You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy.

External links on this Web site are intended to support NEH’s mission. They are not intended to support private or commercial organizations or businesses. Links to .org, .gov, .edu, .mil or other non-profit Web sites that share interests inherent to NEH’s mission are encouraged because of their general non-commercial, public-interest nature.  Links to .com, .net, and other commercial domains are acceptable if supportive of users’ needs and relevant to NEH’s mission. However, be advised that we can not support a volume or constant update of changing external links that exceed our resources for this maintenance. 

We reserve the right to review links and add or remove links at any time for any reason consistent with Federal policy or NEH guidance. Links to external Web sites may be removed if the Web sites lobby or solicit the Federal government on positions of fiscal or political nature, or if they receive funds or revenue for volume of traffic delivered from NEH to the external site where the site is not an official partner of NEH. Except for partnerships, NEH does not agree to reciprocal link arrangements.

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Use of Content from this Web Site

Generally, materials produced by Federal agencies such as NEH are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission. However, not all materials appearing on this Web site are in the public domain. Picturing America is a registered trademark of NEH. With the exception of fair use as defined in trademark law, you may not use the Picturing America trademark without prior written permission from NEH.

Images of artworks and other materials on this Web site are provided with the permission of the individual intellectual property rights holder(s) solely for personal, educational, informational, and noncommercial uses and purposes without charge in connection with Picturing America. We have designed our Web site to make images and materials available while discouraging unauthorized and illegal use. 

Content is Protected by Intellectual Property Laws

Images of art works and other materials on this Web site are protected by copyright laws and other restrictions as well. We expressly prohibit the copying of any protected materials on this Web site, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright law, and as described below.

Trademarks of third parties may also appear on this Web site from time to time. You agree that nothing on this Web site shall be construed as granting any license to use any Trademark displayed on this Web site without the express written permission of the owner of the trademark.

Fair Use

Fair use of copyrighted material includes the use of protected materials for non-commercial educational purposes, such as teaching, scholarship, research, criticism, commentary, news reporting, and other content. Unless otherwise noted, users who wish to download or print text and image files from this Web site for such uses may do so without express permission, provided that they comply with the following conditions:

  1. The content may only be used for personal, educational or noncommercial purposes;
  2. Users must cite the author and source of the content as they would material from any printed work;
  3. The citation must include all copyright information and other information associated with the content and the URL for the NEH Picturing America Web site;
  4. None of the content may be altered or modified; and
  5. Users must comply with all other applicable terms or restrictions to the individual file, image or text;

Commercial Use is Restricted

Unauthorized commercial publication or exploitation of protected text, images, content or other materials from our Web site is specifically prohibited. Anyone wishing to use any of the protected materials on our Web site for commercial use, publication, or any purpose other than fair use as defined by law, must request and receive prior written permission from the individual intellectual property rights holder(s). Please note that it is your responsibility to identify the individual intellectual property rights holder(s) and to obtain permission before making use of this material in any way.


By downloading, printing, or otherwise using materials from our Web site, you agree and warrant that you will limit their use of such materials to fair use and will not violate the rights of any individual or entity. Because we do not know how you are using information and materials found on our Web site, we do not make any express or implied warranties about the information contained in this Web site for your particular use and are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising from your arising from your particular use.

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For site security purposes and to ensure that this Web site service remains available to all users, this Government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to appropriate law enforcement officials. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information are strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.

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National Endowment for The Humanities Logo. Link to the American Library Association.