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Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace.  Photos representing the workforce - Digital Imagery© copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc.

About Working Partners

Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace is a U.S. Department of Labor initiative that raises awareness about the impact drugs and alcohol have on the workplace and provides information on how to establish drug-free workplace programs that protect worker safety and health.

America’s businesses pay a high price for alcohol and drug abuse. Some costs—increased absences, accidents and errors—are obvious. Others, such as low employee morale and high illness rates, are less so, but the effects are equally harmful. The good news is that employers have enormous power to protect their businesses from alcohol and drug abuse by educating employees about its dangers and encouraging individuals with alcohol and drug problems to seek help.

Because drug and alcohol abuse is a major impediment to securing and maintaining employment, Working Partners also offers information to help workforce development professionals assist individuals whose drug and/or alcohol abuse has created employment challenges. Only by addressing drug and alcohol abuse among the entire workforce—those currently employed and those preparing to enter employment—can a drug-free American workforce be achieved.

Working Partners is proud to have received the following awards in recognition of its Web site:

  APEX 2004 Awards Logo - The APEX Awards for Publication Excellence logo is a registered trademark owned by Communications Concepts, Inc.           WWW Health Award - The World Wide Web Health Awards is a program that recognizes the best health-related Web sites for consumers and professionals



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