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BLM>Laws, Regulations, Policies
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2003 Final Regulations and Correcting Amendments

  1. 43 CFR Parts 4, 4100, and 5000--Special Rules Applicable to Public Land Hearings and Appeals; Grazing Administration--Exclusive of Alaska, Administrative Remedies; Grazing Administration--Effect of Wildfire Management Decisions; Administration of Forest Management Decisions, 6/5/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 33793-33804.
  2. 43 CFR Part 1820--Application Procedures, 4/16/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 18553-18555
  3. 43 CFR Part 1860--Conveyances, Disclaimers and Correction Documents 1/6/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 494-503
  4. 43 CFR Parts 3710, 3730, et al.--Locating, Recording, and Maintaining Mining Claims or Sites, 10/24/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 61046-61081 

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is adding regulations allowing BLM to--

    • Make its wildfire management decisions effectively immediately when BLM determines that vegetation, soil, or other resources on the public lands are at substantial risk of wildfire due to drought, fuels buildup, or other reasons, or at immediate risk of erosion or other damage due to wildfire; and
    • Expedite review of those decisions.
    • The amendments to both the OHA and BLM regulations are needed to clarify and expedite administrative review procedures.

  • 43 CFR Part 1820--Application Procedures, 4/16/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 18553-18555.  The Bureau of Land Management is issuing this rule for the convenience of the public to update a list of State Offices and Areas of Jurisdiction included in the Code of Federal Regulations.

  • 43 CFR Part 1860--Conveyances, Disclaimers and Correction Documents, 1/6/03, Federal Register, 68 FR 494-503.  The final rule amends the regulations by--

    • Removing the 12-year regulatory filing deadlines for states;
    • Removing the requirement that an applicant be a "present owner of record" to be qualified under the Act;
    • Allowing any entity claiming title, not just current owners of record, to apply for a disclaimer of interest;
    • Defining the term "state" as it is used in today's rule; and
    • Clarifying how we will approve disclaimer applications involving another Federal land managing agency.

Correcting Amendments