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The latest editions of publications released by the Singapore Department of Statistics are listed below. Purchase of hardcopy publications (where applicable) is subject to stock availability.

bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000
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Publication Catalogue

bullet Monthly Digest of Statistics
bullet Singapore In Brief, 2009 (pamphlet)
bullet Yearbook of Statistics Singapore, 2008
bullet Singapore in Figures 2008
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bullet Statistics Singapore Newsletter

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Statistical Classifications  
bullet Singapore Standard Occupational Classification, 2005
bullet Singapore Standard Educational Classification, 2000
bullet Singapore Standard Industrial Classification,  2005
Economic Statistics  
bullet Adoption of SSIC 2005 in the National Accounts - New Reporting Format for Output-Based GDP, Jan 2007 (Information Paper)
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bullet Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series, Sep 2006 (Information Paper)
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bullet Unit Business Cost Index of the Manufacturing Sector: Rebasing to Year 2000, Jul 2006 (Information Paper)
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bullet Singapore Household Balance Sheet: 2005 Update & Recent Trends, Jun 2006 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore Input-Output Tables 2000, May 2006 (Information Paper)
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bullet Rebasing of Singapore's National Accounts to Reference Year 2000, Jan 2006 (Information Paper)
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bullet Discrepancies in Bilateral Trade Statistics: The Case of Hong Kong and Singapore, Nov 2005 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Consumer Credit of Singapore Households: Recent Trends and Developments, Jul 2004 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore’s Growth Chronology, Coincident and Leading Indicators, Jun 2004 (Information Paper)
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bullet Singapore's Balance of Payments: Methodological Improvements and New Reporting Format for the Services Account, Dec 2003 (Information Paper)
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bullet Wealth and Liabilities of Singapore Households, Mar 2003 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Rebasing of the Singapore System of National Accounts to Reference Year 1995, Jan 2003 (Information Paper)
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bullet Contribution of Government-Linked Companies to Gross Domestic Product, Mar 2001 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore's International Trade in Services: New Statistical Estimates and Analysis, Mar 2000 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore's External Debt: Definition and 1998 Assessment, Jan 2000 (Information Paper)
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bullet Quarterly Estimates of Output-Based GDP at Current Prices (or Nominal GDP), Jan 2000 (Information Paper)
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bullet Value-Added of Financial Services: Revision in Methodology and Estimates, Jul 1999 (Information Paper)
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bullet Consumer Credit in Singapore: Trends and Analysis, Apr 1999 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore's External Debt, Dec 1998 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet The Information and Communication Technology Sector in the Singapore Economy, Nov 1998 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Measuring Services Economy in Singapore: Emphasis on Short-term Indicators, Oct 1998 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet The Income Approach to Gross Domestic Product
bullet Implementation of IMF Balance of Payments Manual, 5th Edition in Singapore's Balance of Payments, Apr 1998 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Income Components of GDP: Trends and Analysis, Apr 1998 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Private Consumption Expenditure - Concepts and Trends, Aug 1997 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Singapore Input-Output Tables 1990: Concepts and Applications
bullet Singapore System of National Accounts, 1995
Business Statistics  
bullet Business Expectations Survey for Services Sector
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bullet Economic Surveys Series 2007 - Transport & Storage Services
bullet Monthly Retail Sales and Catering Trade Indices
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2007 - Food & Beverage Services
bullet Singapore's International Trade in Services 2007
bullet Quarterly Business Receipts Index
bullet Quarterly Wholesale Trade Index
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2007 - Health Services
bullet Singapore's Corporate Sector, 2006
bullet Foreign Equity Investment in Singapore, 2006
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2006 - The Services Sector
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2006 - Retail Trade
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2006 - Wholesale Trade
bullet Singapore's Investment Abroad, 2006
bullet Economic Surveys Series 2006 - Information & Communications Services
bullet Re-Basing and Revision of the Wholesale Trade Index (2007=100), May 2008 (Information Paper)
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bullet Re-basing and Revision of the Retail Sales & Catering Trade Indices (2005 = 100), Oct 2006 (Information Paper)
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bullet The Quarterly Business Receipts Index: A Technical Note on the Re-basing, May 2004 (Information Paper)
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bullet The Education Industry in Singapore, Dec 2002 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Re-Basing and Revision of the Wholesale Trade Index (2000=100), Nov 2002 (Information Paper)
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bullet Singapore's Wholesale Trade Sector, Oct 2002 (Occasional Paper)
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bullet Quarterly Business Receipts Index for Service Industries, Mar 2000 (Information Paper)
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Consumer and Producer & International Trade Prices  
bullet Monthly Import and Export Price Indices
bullet Monthly Singapore Manufactured Products and Domestic Supply Price Indices
bullet Monthly Consumer Price Index, Singapore
bullet Rebasing and Revision of Import and Export Price Indices (Base Year 2006=100), Jun 2007 (Information Paper)
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bullet Rebasing and Revision of Singapore Manufactured Products and Domestic Supply Price Indices (Base Year 2006=100), Jun 2007 (Information Paper)
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bullet Revision and Rebasing of the Consumer Price Index (Base Year 2004=100), Apr 2005 (Information Paper)
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General Household Survey (GHS) 2005  
bullet General Household Survey 2005, Statistical Release 2: Transport, Overseas Travel, Households and Housing Characteristics

See Abstract
See Listing

bullet General Household Survey 2005, Statistical Release 1: Socio-Demographic and Economic Characteristics
Singapore Census of Population 2000  
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000 - Administrative Report
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 5 - Households and Housing
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 3 - Economic Characteristics
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 2 - Education, Language and Religion
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 4 - Geographic Distribution and Travel

See Abstract
See Listing

bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 1 - Demographic Characteristics
bullet Singapore Census of Population 2000 : Advance Data Release

See Abstract
See Listing

Demographic Statistics
Also see GHS 2005 and Census 2000
bullet Population Trends 2008
bullet Statistics on Marriages and Divorces 2007
bullet Complete Life Tables 2006-2007 for Singapore Resident Population Download pdf (104kb)
bullet Complete Life Tables 2003-2006 for Singapore Resident Population, Feb 2008 (Information Paper) Download pdf (1,705kb)
bullet Singapore's Resident Population, 2003-2007
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Household Income & Expenditure
Also see GHS 2005 and Census 2000
bullet Key Household Income Trends, 2008, Jan 2009 (Occasional Paper)
Download pdf (139kb)
bullet Report on the Household Expenditure Survey, 2002/03
Households & Housing
Also see GHS 2005 and Census 2000
bullet Housing Mobility Between 1995 and 2005, Mar 2006 (Occasional Paper)
Download pdf (81kb)
bullet Home Ownership and Equity of HDB Households, 2003, Oct 2005 (Occasional Paper)
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Last updated : 5 May 2009