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Haleakala National ParkA pua-hekili flower begins to open with purple buds.
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Haleakala National Park

Park news happens everyday - nene goslings hatch, uau return to their nesting grounds, newly propogated rare species are outplanted in areas recovering from damage by non-native hoofed animals. You'd have to visit the park every day to catch even half of the news.

Fortunately our resource managers try to keep us all up to date on new or unusual happenings via News Releases. Check them out as they appear here and always feel free to be in touch if you have further questions!


Hawaiian Petrel - Uau

The Hawaiian Petrel is an endangered species and its largest known nesting colony is located at the top of Mount Haleakala. For more information on the Hawaiian Petrel, click the link below for a PDF document.

Hawaiian Petrel Fact Sheet

Did You Know?  

Did You Know?
While native species once arrived every 30,000 years, today a new species hitchhikes to Hawaii about once every 20 days. Many of these amazing travelers can be found in Haleakala National Park.

Last Updated: December 17, 2008 at 23:31 EST