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Business Statistics
of Release
Apr 2009
Monthly Retail Sales and Catering Trade Indices

Monthly Retail Sales and Catering Trade Indices
Each monthly report analyses the changes in the receipts at current prices. Detailed tables on indices at current and constant prices are included. Seasonally adjusted monthly data are also available.

Latest Issue: Feb 2009
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 0218-530X
File Download:
Full Report (266kb)

Feb 2009
Quarterly Business Receipts Index for Services Industries

Quarterly Business Receipts Index for Services Industries
Each quarterly report provides a current indicator for monitoring the performance of the services sector. Detailed tables on indices for different service industries are included.

Latest Issue: 4th Quarter 2008
Frequency: Quarterly
File Download:
Full Report (151kb)

Feb 2009
Quarterly Wholesale Trade Index

Quarterly Wholesale Trade Index
Each quarterly report analyses the changes in domestic and foreign wholesale trade index. Detailed tables on indices at current and constant prices are included.

Latest Issue: 4th Quarter 2008
Frequency: Quarterly
File Download:
Full Report (328kb)

Apr 2009
Economic Surveys Series 2007: Transport & Storage Services

Economic Surveys Series 2007: Transport & Storage Services
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Transport & Storage Services contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on establishments engaged in land transport, water transport, air transport, storage & warehousing services, other services allied to transport and post & courier services. The survey was conducted in year 2008 for reference year 2007. This is the Department’s third issue in the series. The first few reports will focus on a different services industry of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the entire services sector.

Latest Issue: 2007
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (80kb)
Technical Notes (145kb)
Full Report (1,069kb)

Dec 2008
Economic Surveys Series 2007: Health Services

Economic Surveys Series 2007: Health Services
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Health Services contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on hospitals, western clinics & specialised medical services, non-western clinics, dental services and other medical services. The survey was conducted in year 2008 for reference year 2007. This is the Department’s first issue in the series. The first few reports will focus on a different services industry of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the entire services sector.

Latest Issue: 2007
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (100kb)
Technical Notes (154kb)
Full Report ( 1,630kb)

Mar 2009
Economic Surveys Series 2007: Food and Beverage Services

Economic Surveys Series 2007: Food and Beverage Services
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Food & Beverage Services contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on restaurants, fast food outlets, food caterers and other services allied to food & beverage. The survey was conducted in year 2008 for reference year 2007. This is the Department’s second issue in a series of reports. The reports will focus on several services industries of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the services sector.

Latest Issue: 2007
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (87kb)
Technical Notes (153kb)
Full Report (1,807kb)

Aug 2008
Economic Surveys Series 2006: Wholesale Trade

Economic Surveys Series 2006: Wholesale Trade
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Wholesale Trade contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on establishments engaged in the wholesaling of agricultural materials, household goods, fuels & chemicals, machinery & equipment, transport equipment, general merchandise and other goods. The survey was conducted in year 2007 for reference year 2006. This is the Department’s fifth issue in a series of reports. The reports will focus on several services industries of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the services sector.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (80kb)
Technical Notes (142kb)
Full Report (1,739kb)

Jul 2008
Economic Surveys Series 2006: Information and Communications Services

Economic Surveys Series 2006: Information and Communications Services
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Information & Communications Services contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on establishments engaged in publishing services, motion picture, radio & TV activities, telecommunications, IT services and other information services. The survey was conducted in year 2007 for reference year 2006. This is the Department’s fourth issue in a series of reports. The reports will focus on several services industries of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the services sector.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (81kb)
Technical Notes (147kb)
Full Report (1,687kb)

Aug 2008
Economic Surveys Series 2006: Retail Trade

Economic Surveys Series 2006: Retail Trade
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on Retail Trade contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on establishments engaged in the retail trade of general merchandise, transport equipment, personal goods, household equipment and other goods. The survey was conducted in year 2007 for reference year 2006. This is the Department’s sixth issue in a series of reports. The reports will focus on several services industries of importance to Singapore’s economy. A final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a comprehensive performance review of the services sector.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (95kb)
Technical Notes (151kb)
Full Report (1,747kb)

Aug 2008
Economic Surveys Series 2006: The Services Sector

Economic Surveys Series 2006: The Services Sector
The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analysis. This report on The Services Sector contains detailed survey findings and statistical tables on establishments engaged in wholesale trade, retail trade, accommodation services, food & beverage services, transport & storage, information & communications services, financial- & insurance-related services, real estate & business services, and community, social & personal services. Government ministries & departments as well as banks and finance, securities & insurance companies are excluded. The survey was conducted in year 2007 for reference year 2006. This report, the last in a series of reports, serves as a consolidated summary of the services sector. The reports focused on specific important services industries within the sector.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0218-3978
File Download:
Table of Contents (80kb)
Technical Notes (152kb)
Full Report (919kb)

Mar 2009
Singapore's International Trade in Services 2007

Singapore's International Trade in Services 2007
The report presents findings on Singapore’s trade in services, including major services categories and major trading partners. Details on data source, scope and coverage of the TIS survey as well as the conceptual framework and definitions used in the compilation are in the technical notes of this report. Detailed statistical tables are also included to facilitate further analysis and research by users.

Latest Issue: 2007
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 1793-3455
File Download:
Table of Contents (111kb)
Technical Notes (158kb)
Full Report (596kb)

Jul 2008
Singapore's Investment Abroad, 2006

Singapore's Investment Abroad, 2006
The report, Singapore’s Investment Abroad 2006, which contains the key findings of the survey is presented in three parts. Part I discusses the composition, growth and level of Singapore’s investment abroad. A technical note to explain the source, scope and coverage of data, as well as the concepts and definitions of terms used, is provided in Part II. Detailed statistical tables are included in Part III to facilitate further analysis and research by users. For users who are interested in data on foreign investment into Singapore, these are available in another publication Foreign Equity Investment in Singapore. The data are compiled annually from the share ownership and financial accounts of companies registered in Singapore.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0219-3299
File Download:
Table of Contents (91kb)
Full Report (818kb)

Aug 2008
Foreign Equity Investment in Singapore, 2006

Foreign Equity Investment in Singapore, 2006
The report on Foreign Equity Investment in Singapore contains key findings compiled from Survey of Financial Structure and Operations of Companies (FSC) and Survey of Foreign Debt and Financial Derivative Transactions (FDT) for the period of 2006. The report is presented in three parts. Part I presents summary findings on the composition, growth and level of foreign equity investment in Singapore. A technical note to explain the source, scope and coverage of data, as well as the concepts and definitions of terms used, is provided in Part II. Detailed statistical tables are included in Part III to facilitate further analysis and research by users. For users who are interested in data on Singapore’s overseas investment, these are available in another publication Singapore’s Investment Abroad.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 0219-2403
File Download:
Table of Contents (114kb)
Full Report (778kb)

Oct 2008
Singapore's Corporate Sector, 2006

Singapore's Corporate Sector, 2006
This report on Singapore’s Corporate Sector 2006 contains key findings compiled from Survey of Financial Structure and Operations of Companies (FSC) for the period of 2006. The report is presented in three parts. Part I presents summary findings on the composition of the balance sheet, sectoral distribution of shareholders’ equity and assets, the financial strength and performance of the corporate sector. A technical note to explain the source, scope and coverage of data, as well as the concepts and definitions of terms used, is provided in Part II. Detailed statistical tables are presented in Part III to facilitate further analysis and research by users.

Latest Issue: 2006
Frequency: Annual
ISBN: 9971-88-735-5
File Download:
Table of Contents (80kb)
Full Report (898kb)

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Last updated: 28 Apr 2009