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Drug Testing
n Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
n Substance Abuse Prevention and Control
n Drug Testing
n Health Program
n Federal Employees' Compensation Program (FECA)
n Dealing with Workplace Violence
n Violence in the Workplace
It is the policy of the Federal government to ensure a drug-free workplace. One element of this policy is to offer, as appropriate, prevention and treatment programs and services for substance abuse among Federal employees. A second element is to test for drug use consistent with applicable law and regulation and the rights of the Federal government and Federal employees.  Employees in certain sensitive positions may be required to undergo random drug testing.  Some occupational categories require applicant testing.  Additionally, reasonable suspicion of illegal drug use may require testing of an employee.  Employees whose jobs require a commercial drivers liscense are also subject to alcohol testing.

DOI organizations must have plans for achieving a drug-free workplace. Such plans must include Employee Assistance Programs which provide appropriate prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs and services for employees with drug and alcohol abuse problems. They must also provide for supervisory training to assist managers and supervisors in identifying and addressing illegal drug use by their employees.

n Title 5 USC Ch 7361, 7362
n 5 CFR Part 792
n Executive Order 12564, "Drug-Free Federal Workplace," 1986

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Last Updated on 1/31


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