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National Forum on Education Statistics

LEA Liaison Responsibilities

The Chief State School Officer appoints the local education agency (LEA) Forum liaison. The LEA liaison has several responsibilities as the representative to the National Forum on Education Statistics:

  • The LEA liaison represents all LEAs in the state on issues of education data.
  • The LEA Liaison shall attend two annual meetings of the National Forum on Education Statistics.
  • When possible, the LEA liaison will participate in the annual NCES Data Conference and in the Management Information Systems (MIS) Conference.
  • The LEA liaison will maintain contact with the SEA Forum liaison to maintain consistency within the state on data issues.
  • The LEA liaison will disseminate information gathered from Forum activities at state data conferences.

For more information about LEA responsibilities, visit the Forum New Members' Page.

Publications of the National Forum on Education Statistics do not undergo the formal review required for products of the National Center for Education Statistics. The information and opinions published here are the product of the National Forum on Education Statistics and do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education or the National Center for Education Statistics.