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National Forum on Education Statistics

Outreach Toolkit

Reaching Out to Disseminate Forum Work

As education leaders, Forum members often attend statewide or districtwide conferences and meetings. These gatherings provide excellent opportunities to inform colleagues about the Forum and Forum products. This Forum Outreach Site is intended to provide resources to assist members when making presentations and conducting other outreach activities.

One-Page Overview of Recent Forum Publications

The Forum Publication Overview PDF file (124 KB) contains abstracts of recent Forum publications along with URLs for locating them on the Forum website. When introducing Forum publications, a member may wish to distribute the Forum Publication Overview to demonstrate the wide range of Forum activities and resources. It may also be useful to refer the group to the Forum website.

Individual Publication Summaries

Each individual publication summary contains an abstract of a recent Forum publication.  The handouts complement the Forum Publication Overview or may be shared as stand-alone items.

Individual publication summaries are available for the following Forum documents:

Forum Publications Overview –PowerPoint™ Presentation

The Forum Publications PowerPoint Presentation Zip File (881 KB) can be used to share an overview of the Forum and its members, activities, and recent publications. This PowerPoint™ is an excellent vehicle to use when making a formal presentation at a local or state conference. It is useful to remember that the work of the Forum is very broad. There are Forum publications that would be of interest to administrators, technologists, and board members, as well staff directly involved in data collection, maintenance, and reporting. As such, this Forum Publications PowerPoint™ is designed so that each presentation can be tailored to the needs of the intended audience. After the introductory slides that describe Forum membership, organization, and activities, the file contains an individual slide for each recent Forum publication. A presenter may choose to select only a subset of these publication pages based on the purpose of the presentation and interests of the audience.


Publications of the National Forum on Education Statistics do not undergo the formal review required for products of the National Center for Education Statistics. The information and opinions published here are the product of the National Forum on Education Statistics and do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education or the National Center for Education Statistics.