Subpart 4 — Emergency Immigrant Education Program

SEC. 3241  |  SEC. 3242  |  SEC. 3243  |  SEC. 3244  |  SEC. 3245  |  SEC. 3246  |  SEC. 3247  |  SEC. 3248


    The purpose of this subpart is to assist eligible local educational agencies that experience unexpectedly large increases in their student population due to immigration —

      (1) to provide high-quality instruction to immigrant children and youth; and

      (2) to help such children and youth —

        (A) with their transition into American society; and

        (B) meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet.


    For any fiscal year, a State educational agency may reserve not more than 1.5 percent (2 percent if the State educational agency distributes funds received under this subpart to local educational agencies on a competitive basis) of the amount allotted to such agency under section 3244 to pay the costs of performing such agency's administrative functions under this subpart.


    Whenever the Secretary, after providing reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to any State educational agency, finds that there is a failure to comply with a requirement of any provision of this subpart, the Secretary shall notify that agency that further payments will not be made to the agency under this subpart or, in the discretion of the Secretary, that the State educational agency shall not make further payments under this subpart to specified local educational agencies whose actions cause or are involved in such failure until the Secretary is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until the Secretary is so satisfied, no further payments shall be made to the State educational agency under this subpart, or payments by the State educational agency under this subpart shall be limited to local educational agencies whose actions did not cause or were not involved in the failure, as the case may be.


    (a) PAYMENTS- The Secretary shall, in accordance with the provisions of this section, make payments to State educational agencies for each of the fiscal years 2002 through 2008 for the purpose set forth in section 3241.


      (1) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), of the amount appropriated for each fiscal year for this subpart, each State participating in the program assisted under this subpart shall receive an allotment equal to the proportion of the number of immigrant children and youth who are enrolled in public elementary schools or secondary schools under the jurisdiction of each local educational agency described in paragraph (2), and in nonpublic elementary schools or secondary schools within the district served by each such local educational agency within such State, relative to the total number of immigrant children and youth so enrolled in all the States participating in the program assisted under this subpart.

      (2) ELIGIBLE LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES- A local educational agency referred to in paragraph (1) is a local educational agency for which the sum of the number of immigrant children and youth who are enrolled in public elementary schools or secondary schools under the jurisdiction of such agency, and in nonpublic elementary schools or secondary schools within the district served by such agency, during the fiscal year for which the payments are to be made under this subpart, is equal to at least —

        (A) 500; or

        (B) 3 percent of the total number of children enrolled in such public or nonpublic schools during such fiscal year,

      whichever is less.


      (1) IN GENERAL- Determinations by the Secretary under this section for any period with respect to the number of immigrant children and youth shall be made on the basis of data or estimates provided to the Secretary by each State educational agency in accordance with criteria established by the Secretary, unless the Secretary determines, after notice and opportunity for a hearing to the affected State educational agency, that such data or estimates are clearly erroneous.

      (2) SPECIAL RULE- No such determination with respect to the number of immigrant children and youth shall operate because of an underestimate or overestimate to deprive any State educational agency of the allotment under this section that such State would otherwise have received had such determination been made on the basis of accurate data.


      (1) IN GENERAL- Whenever the Secretary determines that any amount of a payment made to a State under this subpart for a fiscal year will not be used by such State for carrying out the purpose for which the payment was made, the Secretary shall make such amount available for carrying out such purpose to one or more other States to the extent the Secretary determines that such other States will be able to use such additional amount for carrying out such purpose.

      (2) FISCAL YEAR- Any amount made available to a State from any appropriation for a fiscal year in accordance with paragraph (1) shall, for purposes of this subpart, be regarded as part of such State's payment (as determined under subsection (b)) for such year, but shall remain available until the end of the succeeding fiscal year.


      (1) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, if the amount appropriated to carry out this subpart exceeds $50,000,000 for a fiscal year, a State educational agency may reserve not more than 20 percent of such agency's payment under this subpart for such year to award grants, on a competitive basis, to local educational agencies within the State as follows:

        (A) AGENCIES WITH IMMIGRANT CHILDREN AND YOUTH- At least 1/2 of the funds reserved under this paragraph shall be made available to eligible local educational agencies (as described in subsection (b)(2)) within the State with the highest numbers and percentages of immigrant children and youth.

        (B) AGENCIES WITH A SUDDEN INFLUX OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH- Funds reserved under this paragraph and not made available under subparagraph (A) may be distributed to local educational agencies within the State that are experiencing a sudden influx of immigrant children and youth and that are otherwise not eligible for assistance under this subpart.

      (2) USE OF GRANT FUNDS- Each local educational agency receiving a grant under paragraph (1) shall use such grant funds to carry out the activities described in section 3247.

      (3) INFORMATION- Local educational agencies receiving funds under paragraph (1) with the highest number of immigrant children and youth may make information available on serving immigrant children and youth to local educational agencies in the State with sparse numbers of such children and youth.


    (a) SUBMISSION- No State educational agency shall receive any payment under this subpart for any fiscal year unless such agency submits an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information, as the Secretary may reasonably require. Each such application shall —

      (1) provide that the educational programs, services, and activities for which payments under this subpart are made will be administered by or under the supervision of the agency;

      (2) provide assurances that payments under this subpart will be used for purposes set forth in sections 3241 and 3247, including a description of how local educational agencies receiving funds under this subpart will use such funds to meet such purposes and will coordinate with entities carrying out other programs and activities assisted under this Act, and other Acts as appropriate;

      (3) provide an assurance that local educational agencies receiving funds under this subpart will coordinate the use of such funds with entities carrying out programs and activities assisted under part A of title I;

      (4) provide assurances that such payments, with the exception of payments reserved under section 3244(e), will be distributed among local educational agencies within that State on the basis of the number of immigrant children and youth counted with respect to each such local educational agency under section 3244(b)(1);

      (5) provide assurances that the State educational agency will not finally disapprove in whole or in part any application for funds received under this subpart without first affording the local educational agency submitting an application for such funds reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing;

      (6) provide for making such reports as the Secretary may reasonably require to perform the Secretary's functions under this subpart;

      (7) provide assurances —

        (A) that to the extent consistent with the number of immigrant children and youth enrolled in the nonpublic elementary schools or secondary schools within the district served by a local educational agency, such agency, after consultation with appropriate officials of such schools, shall provide for the benefit of such children and youth secular, neutral, and nonideological services, materials, and equipment necessary for the education of such children and youth;

        (B) that the control of funds provided under this subpart for any materials or equipment, or property repaired, remodeled, or constructed with those funds shall be in a public agency for the uses and purpose provided in this subpart, and a public agency shall administer such funds and property; and

        (C) that the provision of services pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided by employees of a public agency or through contract by such public agency with a person, association, agency, or corporation who or which, in the provision of such services, is independent of such nonpublic elementary school or secondary school and of any religious organization, and such employment or contract shall be under the control and supervision of such public agency, and the funds provided under this paragraph shall not be commingled with State or local funds;

      (8) provide that funds reserved under section 3244(e) be awarded on a competitive basis based on merit and need in accordance with such section; and

      (9) provide an assurance that the State educational agency and local educational agencies in the State receiving funds under this subpart will comply with the requirements of section 1120(b).


      (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall review all applications submitted pursuant to this section by State educational agencies.

      (2) APPROVAL- The Secretary shall approve any application submitted by a State educational agency that meets the requirements of this section.

      (3) DISAPPROVAL- The Secretary shall disapprove any application submitted by a State educational agency that does not meet the requirements of this section, but shall not finally disapprove an application except after providing reasonable notice, technical assistance, and an opportunity for a hearing to the State educational agency.


    (a) NOTIFICATION OF AMOUNT- The Secretary, not later than June 1 of each year, shall notify each State educational agency that has an application approved under section 3245 of the amount of such agency's allotment under section 3244 for the succeeding year.

    (b) SERVICES TO IMMIGRANT CHILDREN AND YOUTH ENROLLED IN NONPUBLIC SCHOOLS- If by reason of any provision of law a local educational agency is prohibited from providing educational services for immigrant children and youth enrolled in nonpublic elementary schools and secondary schools, as required by section 3245(a)(7), or if the Secretary determines that a local educational agency has substantially failed or is unwilling to provide for the participation on an equitable basis of such children and youth enrolled in such schools, the Secretary may waive such requirement and shall arrange for the provision of services, subject to the requirements of this subpart, to such children and youth. Such waivers shall be subject to consultation, withholding, notice, and judicial review requirements in accordance with the provisions of title I.


    (a) USE OF FUNDS- Funds awarded under this subpart shall be used to pay for enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth, which may include —

      (1) family literacy, parent outreach, and training activities designed to assist parents to become active participants in the education of their children;

      (2) support of personnel, including teacher aides who have been specifically trained, or are being trained, to provide services to immigrant children and youth;

      (3) tutorials, mentoring, and academic or career counseling for immigrant children and youth;

      (4) identification and acquisition of curricular materials, educational software, and technologies;

      (5) the provision of basic instruction services that are directly attributable to the presence in the school district of immigrant children and youth, including payment of costs of providing additional classroom supplies, costs of transportation, or such other costs as are directly attributable to such additional basic instruction services; and

      (6) such other activities, related to the purpose of this subpart, as the Secretary may authorize.

    (b) CONSORTIA- A local educational agency that receives a grant under this subpart may collaborate or form a consortium with one or more local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit organizations to carry out a program described in an application approved under this subpart.

    (c) SUBGRANTS- A local educational agency that receives a grant under this subpart may, with the approval of the Secretary, make a subgrant to, or enter into a contract with, an institution of higher education, a nonprofit organization, or a consortium of such institutions or organizations to carry out a program described in an application approved under this subpart, including a program to serve out-of-school youth.

    (d) CONSTRUCTION- Nothing in this subpart shall be construed to prohibit a local educational agency from serving immigrant children and youth simultaneously with children and youth with similar educational needs, in the same educational settings where appropriate.


    (a) BIENNIAL REPORT- Each State educational agency receiving funds under this subpart shall submit, once every 2 years, a report to the Secretary concerning the expenditure of funds by local educational agencies under this subpart. Each local educational agency receiving funds under this subpart shall submit to the State educational agency such information as may be necessary for such report.

    (b) REPORT TO CONGRESS- The Secretary shall submit, once every 2 years, a report to the appropriate committees of Congress concerning programs assisted under this subpart.


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Last Modified: 09/15/2004