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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 726  

Black Lung Benefits; Requirements for Coal Mine Operator's Insurance




Subpart A  


20 CFR 726.4 - Who must obtain insurance coverage.

  • Section Number: 726.4
  • Section Name: Who must obtain insurance coverage.

    (a) Section 423 of part C of title IV of the Act requires each 
operator of a coal mine or former operator in any State which does meet 
the requirements prescribed by the Secretary pursuant to section 411 of 
part C of title IV of the Act to self-insure or obtain a policy or 
contract of insurance to guarantee the payment of benefits for which 
such operator may be adjudicated liable under section 422 of the Act. 
In enacting sections 422 and 423 of the Act Congress has unambiguously 
expressed its intent that coal mine operators bear the cost of 
providing the benefits established by part C of title IV of the Act. 
Section 3 of the Act defines an ``operator'' as any owner, lessee, or 
other person who operates, controls, or supervises a coal mine.
    (b) Section 422(i) of the Act clearly recognizes that any 
individual or business entity who is or was a coal mine operator may be 
found liable for the payment of pneumoconiosis benefits after December 
31, 1973. Within this framework it is clear that the Secretary has wide 
latitude for determining which operator shall be liable for the payment 
of part C benefits. Comprehensive standards have been promulgated in 
subpart G of part 725 of this subchapter for the purpose of guiding the 
Secretary in making such determination. It must be noted that pursuant 
to these standards any parent or subsidiary corporation, any individual 
or corporate partner, or partnership, any lessee or lessor of a coal 
mine, any joint venture or participant in a joint venture, any 
transferee or transferor of a corporation or other business entity, any 
former, current, or future operator or any other form of business 
entity which has had or will have a substantial and reasonably direct 
interest in the operation of a coal mine may be determined liable for 
the payment of pneumoconiosis benefits after December 31, 1973. The 
failure of any such business entity to self-insure or obtain a
policy or contract of insurance shall in no way relieve such business 
entity of its obligation to pay pneumoconiosis benefits in respect of 
any case in which such business entity's responsibility for such 
payments has been properly adjudicated. Any business entity described 
in this section shall take appropriate steps to insure that any 
liability imposed by part C of the Act on such business entity shall be 

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