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The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has signed a delegated agreement with the Department which provides authority for competitive examination and certification to include the development of rating schedules, evaluation of applicants, and making referrals. In essence, Bureaus take on the functions normally performed by OPM.

Delegation for competitive examination is used for unique positions when candidates are not available through inservice placement or through external noncompetitive sources. It is used when there are indications that local competitive candidates may be available if delegated examination were available.

Candidates referred on delegated examining certificates are ranked by score and veterans preference. Should there be more than three candidates or a mix of veterans preference eligibles and nonpreference eligibles, then the rule of three and veterans preference must be applied to determine which candidates are within reach for selection. This means that selection must be made from the top three candidates on the certificate, keeping in mind that you cannot bypass a candidate with veterans preference to select a candidate with no preference, unless the supervisor can adequately justify doing so on suitability or security grounds.

n 5 CFR Chapter 337
RELATED TOPICS: Office of Personnel Management Certificates, Direct-Hire Authority, Priority Referral and Preference Programs, Veterans Preference

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior