tax policy center
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in the news
  • The Scouting Report: Tax Reform (April 15, 2009)
    April 15 is tax day in the United States and some Americans are scrambling to complete their 1040s and gather their receipts. Leonard Burman, director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, thinks that the nation urgently needs tax reform. On tax day, he answered questions about what the Obama administration should do to create a fair and equitable tax system during an online web chat moderated by Politico Senior Editor Fred Barbash. .
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Tax Reform (April 15, 2009)
    William Gale, vice president and director of Economic Studies at Brookings, says the current tax system is too complicated, inequitable and inefficient. He says President Obama has to take the lead on reforming the tax code and that taxpayers should anticipate a future of higher taxes and fewer tax cuts.
  • Tax Policy Center’s 7th Annual Tax Day Forum
    On April 9 a panel of tax experts discussed how the rich have been taxed, how tax burdens have shifted across the income distribution, and whether we should move toward more or less progressive taxes. Audio now available.
  • 2010 Budget (March 16, 2009)
    Our new resource guide to the tax provisions in the president's 2010 Budget describes the proposals, links to more detailed commentary on key provisions, and analyzes the distributional effects of the overall proposal and its major components. See the distributional tables.
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May 7, 2009