A Nonpartisan Economic and Social Policy Research Organization
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Employment is determined by overall demand for goods and services, not by targeted tax and spending provisions.
Eric Toder on CNNMoney.com, May 6

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May 7, 2009

Youngest Underrepresented in Federal Budget

baby face

Extensive research shows investing in very young children can help build a strong future workforce, improve educational success and health, and potentially reduce social ills. But a new report finds that infants and toddlers are underrepresented in the federal budget. The accompanying fact sheet outlines the investments we currently make in young children. 
Full reportFact Sheet

Opportunities for Visiting Fellows


The Urban Institute invites distinguished scholars, journalists, and senior policy practitioners to join us as Visiting Fellow for a semester or more. Fellows may participate in ongoing research projects, collaborate in the development of new research, learn from and advise on UI work while pursuing independent projects, or play other roles of mutual interest. Read more

Nonprofits and the Earth

EarthThe environmental movement expanded in number of organizations, members, and total revenues almost every year since 1960, increasing at a 50% faster rate than nonprofits as a whole. UI’s comprehensive analysis of nonprofit environmental organizations reveals a large, rapidly growing universe of regional and local groups that are more collaborative and rely on a wider mix of revenue sources.
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Five Questions for the Experts

Mary CunninghamMary Cunningham, author of “Preventing and Ending Homelessness—Next Steps,” answers five questions about how to combat homelessness. Evidence-based approaches have cut homelessness among chronically homeless single adults and new strategies are now being adopted to help homeless families. Investing in proven strategies is crucial as the economic crisis puts more people at risk of ending up in shelters and threatens to reverse the progress communities have made toward ending and preventing homelessness.

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Public Housing and the Legacy of Segregation
Public Housing
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Legacy of Segregation

Margery Austin Turner, Susan J. Popkin, and Lynette Rawlings

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