
Project Information

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  • Newsletter Vol. 1 Iss. 1, ~April 2006
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Welcome to the Miles City Field Office Resource Management Plan Information Page.  This page is your source of information for participating in the planning process. Here you will find the latest information on the development of the RMP/EIS, including background documents, maps, general schedule, meeting announcements, published bulletins, and other documents.

As part of the plan preparation, a supporting Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will also be prepared. Both the RMP and EIS will be developed concurrently with a full range of public participation. An integral component of the Miles City Field Office RMP development process is public involvement. Throughout the project, local interests and residents will have opportunities to participate and share their insights and comments.

Below are links to these various items of interest:


What is an RMP?

Planning Criteria

The planning criteria guide and direct the plan, and determine how the contractor, planning team and collaborators will approach the development of alternatives and ultimately, the BLM manager's selection of a Preferred Alternative. They ensure that plans are tailored to the identified issues and ensure that unnecessary data collection and analyses are avoided.

Preliminary Planning Issues and Management Concerns

There are anticipated planning issues and management concerns with the development of the new Miles City Field Office RMP for eastern Montana. A planning issue is a dispute over resource management activities or land use that is well defined and entails alternatives between which to choose. A management concern is a dispute that involves management activity or land use.

General Schedule

This schedule presents the general milestones over the course of the project. Additional links are available for Public Meetings and Calendar.

Planning Area

The Planning Area encompasses the entirety of the area regardless of ownership. See RMP Area Map. The Decision Area for the majority of resources or resource uses refers to public land within the Planning Area for which BLM has authority and makes decisions (surface estate approximately 2.8 million acres). BLM’s Decision Area also includes minerals of split estate (areas where BLM administers Federal subsurface minerals, approximately 11.7 million acres, but the surface is owned by a non-Federal entity; e.g., State Trust Land, private land). Additionally, quadrant maps (4) have been prepared based on the planning area to show townships and detailed local points of interest. Quad #1, Quad #2, Quad #3, Quad #4


This link will take you to our publications page where the Scoping Brochure, Comment Form and future newsletters and reports will be posted.


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No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.

Site last updated March 06, 2006