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Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

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Antenna Structure Registration/FAA Issues
Nationwide Programmatic Agreement
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Concerning Preemption of Local Regulations on the Siting of Broadcast Facilities
Public Buildings Service Antenna Program
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Determine Interference Potential from a New Cellular Tower Structure
The World of Wireless Communications

Tower and Antenna Siting Issues

Welcome to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Facility Siting Page. This page contains information on a variety of subjects concerning the siting of facilities for wireless telecommunications providers.

 Routine Pre-Construction Tower Review
 Antenna Structure Registration and Compliance with FAA Regulations
 Environmental Assessment Checklist
 Environmental Compliance for Tower Siting
 Historic Preservation for Tower Siting
 RF Safety Issues
 Over-the-Air Reception Devices (OTARDS)
 State and Local Government Authority
 Radiofrequency Interference
 Tower Siting Contacts

Recent Releases


The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Mass Media Bureau announce the Release of a Fact Sheet Regarding the March 16, 2001 Antenna Collocation Programmatic Agreement
FactSheet: pdf - text - Word


In the Matter of the Friends of the Earth, Inc. and Forest Conservation Council, Inc.
Various Objections and Petitions to Deny against Applications to Register Antenna Structures (FCC Form 854) with Environmental Assessments
pdf - text
Attachment A: pdf - text
Attachment B: pdf - text
Attachment C: pdf - text

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Last reviewed/updated on 10/4/2008.

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