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News Release

For Release:  Sept. 26, 2008        
Contact:  Richard Williams (760) 872-5033

BLM Plans Rehabilitation of Lower Rock Mountain Bike Trail

The Bureau of Land Management’s Bishop Field Office plans to rehabilitate a portion of Lower Rock Creek Trail covered by a rock slide. The proposed project would be to remove approximately 100 feet of rocks and soil that is impeding the trail.

Currently, about 27,000 visitors utilize the trail, which is considered to be one of the premier mountain bike trails in the region. The proposed project work would be completed using the Inyo National Forest trail crew and volunteers. The project would not create additional trails but correct the deficiencies in the existing trail. The proposed work would be performed during spring of 2009.

Information requests or comments on this project should be addressed to Richard Williams, Outdoor Recreation Planner, BLM – Bishop Field Office, 351 Pacu Lane, Suite 100, Bishop, Calif. 93514 or by phone (760) 872-5033.  You may also email comments to Richard_Williams@ca.blm.gov. The BLM will take public comments through Oct. 24, 2008.


Bishop Field Office – 351 Pacu Lane Suite 100, - Bishop, CA 93514

Last updated: 09-26-2008