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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Developmental schedule. - 1956.43

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1956
• Part Title: Plans for State and Local Government Employees without Approved Plans
• Subpart: E
• Subpart Title: Connecticut
• Standard Number: 1956.43
• Title: Developmental schedule.

The Connecticut plan is developmental. The following is a schedule of major developmental steps as provided by the plan:


A new State poster will be printed, by December 15, 1978, in order to reflect coverage of the public sector only.


Standards identical to or at least as effective as all existing Federal standards will be adopted by February 1, 1979.


Connecticut regulations equivalent to the following Federal provisions will be revised by April 1, 1979, to show coverage of the public sector only and to accurately reflect the current program: 29 CFR Part 1903 (Inspections, citations, and proposed penalties); 29 CFR Part 1904 (Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses); 29 CFR Part 1905 (Variance Rules); 29 CFR Part 2200 (Review Commission); and the Field Operations Manual.


The State will submit revised and updated provisions dealing with employee discrimination by May 1, 1979.


The State will prepare by June 1, 1979, a comprehensive list of government entities whose employees are covered by the plan, giving the number of employees for each entity, describing the work performed, and assigning for each entity a standard industrial classification (SIC) code.



The State will resubmit its plan in the required outline format by October 1, 1979.

Next Standard (1956.44) Next Standard (1956.44)

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