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Many OJP Formula grants are awarded direcly to state governments, which then set priorities and allocate funds within that state.

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In Focus
With support from BJA, the Police Executive Research Forum has released Communication and Public Health Emergencies: A Guide for Law Enforcement.This guide identifies important considerations for law enforcement executives seeking to develop or enhance communication plans for public health emergencies, including internal communications and external communications (those going out to other agencies and the public).

The Center for Court Innovation and BJA have released Avoiding Failures of Implementation: Lessons from Process Evaluationswhich examines failures that occur during the implementation of new initiatives.

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Funding Information
Northern Border Prosecution Initiative (NBPI)
Application deadline extended to August 10, 2009

Visit www.ojp.usdoj.gov/

for available OJP funding opportunities.


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10th Crime Mapping Research Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana

Presentations and workshops for the 10th, "Solving Problems With Geography and Technology," conference will highlight geographic principles in research, geographic applications in practice, technology demonstrations and solutions for crime and public safety problems.

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