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 Pesticide Spray Drift-Reduction Technologies:
 Verification and Incentives for Use


Application of pesticide sprays that benefit agricultural production can result in the sprays being blown by wind. If exposed to the drifting spray, pesticide applicators and other people nearby could face health risks. Near and distant ecosystems wildlife may also be exposed.

Improved pesticide application equipment could reduce inadvertent pesticide residues in the environment. This Action Team works to develop and implement drift reduction technologies and strategies.


Norman Birchfield, Co-Lead
EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
(202) 564-2911

Jay Ellenberger, Co-Lead
EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
(703) 305-7099

Gregory Sayles, Co-Lead
EPA Office of Research and Development
(513) 569-7607

Name Organization Phone
Ray Chavira EPA Region 9 (415) 947-4218
Karen Heisler EPA Region 9 (415) 947-4240
Randy McDonald EPA Office of Research and Development (919) 541-5042


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