Arizona Ecological Services
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"


Scientific Name:
Panthera onca
Photograph of a jaguar on a rock
Credit: USFWS
Office Lead:
Erin Fernandez
Click on the Cactus to View the Document Title Author(s) Year File Size/Source
Collared Arizona jaguar euthanized
News Release: Collared Arizona jaguar euthanized Arizona Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service March 2, 2009 34 Kb
Collared Arizona jaguar recaptured for medical intervention
News Release: Collared Arizona jaguar recaptured for medical intervention Arizona Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service March 2, 2009 35 Kb
Fish and Wildlife Services Completes Determination on Jaguars
Fish and Wildlife Services Completes Determination on Jaguars U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service January 17, 2008 63 Kb
4(f)(1) Determination Regarding Recovery Planning for the Jaguar (Panthera onca)
4(f)(1) Determination Regarding Recovery Planning for the Jaguar (Panthera onca) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service December 21, 2007 1 MB
News Release: Jaguar Critical Habitat Deemed Not Prudent
News Release: Jaguar Critical Habitat Deemed Not Prudent U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service July 13, 2006 89 Kb
Determination That Designation of Critical Habitat Is Not Prudent for the Jaguar: Federal Register
Determination That Designation of Critical Habitat Is Not Prudent for the Jaguar: Federal Register U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service July 12, 2006 57 Kb
News Release: Service Seeks Information on Species Health, Population Trends
News Release: Service Seeks Information on Species Health, Population Trends U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service April 21, 2006 73 Kb
5-Year Review of 25 Southwestern Species -- Federal Register
5-Year Review of 25 Southwestern Species -- Federal Register U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service April 21, 2006 60 Kb
News Release: Wild jaguars photographed in southern Arizona
News Release: Wild jaguars photographed in southern Arizona U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service October 18, 2004 34 Kb
Link to the General Species Information
General Species Information Arizona Ecological Services Field Office June 2000 36 KB
Final Rule to Extend Endangered Status for the Jaguar in the United States -- Federal Register
Final Rule to Extend Endangered Status for the Jaguar in the United States -- Federal Register U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service July 22, 1997 83 Kb
Link to the Listed Cats of Texas and Arizona Recovery Plan
Listed Cats of Texas and Arizona Recovery Plan U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1990 10 MB

Last updated: March 3, 2009