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Partner Profile

Wells Fargo & Company
Location San Francisco, CA
Organization Type Banking & Fin. Srvcs.
Percentage Green Power 14%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Awards/Recognition Partner of the Year 2007
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Wells Fargo & Company is a diversified financial services company providing banking, insurance, investments, mortgage and consumer finance. Since 2006, Wells Fargo has purchased renewable energy certificates (RECs) to support the generation of more than a billion kilowatt-hours of clean, renewable wind energy. "We purchased RECs to supplement our energy conservation efforts and to jumpstart our entry into renewable energy markets," said Mary Wenzel, head of Environmental Affairs. "Since our inital purchase we have invested more than $700 million in wind and solar energy projects nationwide; expanded relationships with customers in renewable energy and clean technology businesses; become the first U.S. financial institution to make clean, renewable energy reward options available to its cardholders; and launched a Solar Home Program in California to support the development of new solar homes. We look forward to continuing to support our nation's transition to clean, renewable sources and to further integrating environmental responsibility into our business practices, operations and corporate culture."

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