• Bottled Water Reporter

    The bottled water industry supports strong community recycling initiatives.

  • Bottled Water Reporter

    Read the JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 issue of Bottled Water Reporter

  • Bottled Water Reporter

    Bottled water, there when you need it.

International Bottled Water Association

The authoritative source of information about all types of bottled waters, IBWA members include U.S. and International bottlers, distributors, and suppliers. IBWA represents our industry’s uncompromising commitment to the safety and availability of bottled water worldwide.

Focused on the Environment

The bottled water industry is a strong supporter of our environment and our natural resources. In fact, it takes only 1.32 liters of water to make 1 liter of bottled water, including the liter you drink.

A life cycle assessment conducted by Quantis in 2010 shows bottled water’s environmental footprint is the lowest of any packaged beverage. Key findings from this study show that water is the least environmentally impactful beverage and bottled water is the most environmentally responsible packaged drink choice.

The Healthy Choice

To lead a healthier life, one of the simplest changes you can make is drinking water instead of other beverages that are heavy with sugar and calories.

So, if you want to eliminate or moderate calories, sugar, caffeine, artificial flavors or colors, and other ingredients from your diet, choosing water is a right decision.

And, In today’s on-the-go society, where most of what we drink comes in a package, bottled water is always the smart and healthy choice.

Bottled Water & California

Did you know that out of all the water used in the U.S. each year, bottled water accounts for only 0.01%? And bottled water uses just 0.02% of all water used in California every year. Fact is, bottled water doesn't use all that much water.

IBWA and its members remain committed to the responsible and efficient use of our natural resources. Our industry is an efficient water user and continuously on the forefront of responsibly managing groundwater and spring water resources.