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The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy identifies Nurse-Family Partnership as meeting its "Top Tier" evidence of effectiveness. Read Overview

The Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development publishes Pennsylvania Cost-Benefit Report

The Brookings Institution publishes "Supporting Young Children and Families: an Investment Strategy that Pays," recommending nurse home visitation services. See website

Washington State Institute for Public Policy reports on the benefits and costs of evidence-based programs that prevent children from entering and remaining in the child welfare system. See website

The Partnership for America's Economic Success reports on longer-term societal impacts of early childhood programs, like Nurse-Family Partnership. Read brief

RAND Corporation publishes "Early Childhood Interventions Proven Results, Future Promise" identifying Nurse-Family Partnership as program with strong evidence base. See website

Blueprints for Violence Prevention, rates Nurse-Family Partnership as "Model Program." See website

Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

Consistent Program Effects across Multiple Trials

Improved Prenatal Health

Fewer Childhood Injuries

Fewer Subsequent Pregnancies

Increased Intervals between Births

Increased Maternal Employment

Latest Research Findings October 2007 Pediatrics on Memphis Trial Follow-up

Please note:  All research relative to Nurse-Family Partnership conducted in and/or by NFP Implementing Agencies must be approved by RAPComm.

Nurse-Family Partnership’s “Seat at the Table” on Obama’s website

First Focus publishes new report on early childhood programs and nurse home visiting

Recent Press Releases

Read Shared Vision with other Home Visiting Programs