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WaterNews for January 6, 2006

Benjamin Grumbles
Assistant Administrator
Office of Water

WaterNews is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water.

In This Week’s WaterNews:

EPA Advances Clean Beaches Plan

On January 5, another $10 million in beach grants were made available to states, bringing the total to nearly $52 million as part of an effort to help ensure the safety of the nation’s favorite recreational spots. This grant money is available for beach monitoring and notification programs to 35 eligible states, territories and tribes to help to improve water quality at beaches and notify the public of beach warnings or closings if bacteria levels are too high. Information about the beach program and this announcement is at:

New Draft Watershed Handbook Released

A draft guide to watershed management to help various organizations develop and implement watershed plans is now available. The "Draft Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters" is aimed toward communities, watershed groups, and local, state, tribal, and federal environmental agencies. This handbook contains in-depth guidance on quantifying existing pollutant loads, developing estimates of the load reductions required to meet water quality standards, developing effective management measures, and tracking progress once the plan is implemented. EPA will be accepting comments and suggestions on the document in the coming year to incorporate in the final version of the handbook. The handbook is available at:

EPA’s Watershed Academy sponsors monthly Webcasts. The next Webcast, scheduled for Wed., Jan. 18, 2006, will feature EPA’s new draft watershed handbook. Registration for the Webcast will be available on a first-come/first-served basis and will open by Wed., Jan. 11, 2006. Each Webcast includes a Web-based slide presentation with a companion audio portion that can be accessed either by phone or by streaming audio broadcast. For more information visit:

Storm Water Rule Proposed to Comply with Energy Policy Act

Revisions are being proposed to storm water regulations under the Clean Water Act to advance the comprehensive energy policy recently enacted by Congress. The proposed action, required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, would modify National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations to clarify that uncontaminated storm water discharges from oil and gas field activities do not require federal Clean Water Act permits. This action also encourages voluntary application of best-management practices for oil and gas field construction activities to minimize erosion and control sediment. The proposed rule will be available for public comment for 45 days after publication in the Federal Register. For further information, including a copy of the proposed rule, visit:

$18 Million Targeted for Water Quality Monitoring

The Agency plans to use $18 million in FY 2006 for the water quality monitoring initiative. These funds supplement an existing allocation of approximately $200 million annually to support state, interstate agency, and tribal programs to combat water pollution. The agency is changing the way it allocates funds under the water pollution control grant program (known as Section 106 of the Clean Water Act). Under the revised process, EPA will be better able to target these additional funds to help carry out priority areas that include monitoring for pollutants. The process requires the agency to consult with states and interstate agencies prior to finalizing the allocation formula. This action was taken in response to the President’s FY 2006 budget calling for an increase in funding of water-quality monitoring nationwide. For further information about the changes in the allotment formula, visit:

For general information about water pollution control program grants, visit:

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