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SIC Description for 5142
Description for 5142: Packaged Frozen Foods

Division F: Wholesale Trade
Major Group 51: Wholesale Trade-non-durable Goods

Industry Group 514: Groceries And Related Products

5142 Packaged Frozen Foods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of packaged quick-frozen vegetables, juices, meats, fish, poultry, pastries, and other "deep freeze" products. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of frozen dairy products are classified in Industry 5143, and those distributing frozen poultry, fish, and meat which are not packaged are classified in Industries 5144, 5146, and 5147, respectively.
  • Bakery products, frozen-wholesale
  • Bread, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Cakes, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Dinners, frozen-wholesale
  • Fish, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Frozen foods, packaged-wholesale
  • Frozen vegetables-wholesale
  • Fruit juices, frozen-wholesale
  • Fruits, frozen-wholesale
  • Meat pies, frozen-wholesale
  • Meat, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Pies, fruit: frozen-wholesale
  • Poultry pies, frozen-wholesale
  • Poultry, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Seafoods, frozen: packaged-wholesale
  • Soup, frozen-wholesale

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