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Nonfatal Injury Reports

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Nonfatal Injury Reports
Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury
Search Injury

WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports

Choose your Report Options, then click the Submit Request button. 

For more information about an option or a category of options, click on the underlined name or phrase.  To return to this page, click on the "back" button in your browser toolbar.

 Report Options    


1. What was the intent of the injury?   (Select one)

All intents
    (Includes assault-all, legal intervention, and self-harm)
       Assault - All
               Assault - Other
               Assault - Sexual 
       Legal Intervention
       Assault and Legal Intervention 
          (Includes assault-all and legal intervention)

2. What caused the injury? (Select one)  

All Causes Natural/Environment 
Bite Overexertion 
      Dog Poisoning 
      Other, including sting Struck By/Against
Cut/Pierce Transportation (Categorized by injured person)        
Drowning / Submersion     All 
Fall     Motor Vehicle Occupant
Fire / Burn     Motorcyclist
Foreign Body      Pedal cyclist (bicyclist, etc.)
Gunshot     Pedestrian
      BB / Pellet Gun     Other
      Firearm Other Specified
Inhalation / Suffocation Unknown / Unspecified    

2b. If you selected a transportation cause, please answer the following question:

Did the injury occur on a public road or highway (was it traffic-related?)


3. Select specific options
Sex Year(s) of Report

Disposition (Where the injured person went when released from emergency department) Display Options

  or    OR  select advanced options below.

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 Advanced Options (not required)

Select age categories.
All Ages (includes unknown age)
Age Groups   to
Custom Age Range   to

Compare injury rates using age adjusting.
Select standard population year for age-adjusting:

Use as the standard year.   
Do not use age adjusting.   

Include advanced statistics?( including SE, CV, 95% Confidence Intervals, )
No thanks.     Yes, please include them.

Sort by category (Age, sex, age group, or race/ethnicity).
Note:  You cannot request "age adjusting" and sorting by "age" at the same time.
1.   3.  
2.   4.


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 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
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This page last reviewed 09/30/08.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control