Information Resources and Technology Management


You are invited to read the definitions of terms used in this data standard.

Real Property Number
A unique consecutive number, up to a maximum of six digits, assigned by a unit manager to each building, structure, or facility owned or leased by the Service, or over which it has primary jurisdiction, in each State where the unit is located. "Unit" means any existing research area or administrative site, and all components of the National Wildlife Refuge System and the National Fish Hatchery System within a State. "Leases" refer to those buildings, structures, or other facilities rented directly by the Service and do not include General Services Administration (GSA) leases. Whenever the Service obtains fee or non-GSA lease interest,  the unit is assigned an Interior-Fish and Wildlife Service (IFWS) Number by the Washington Office Division of Realty.  The combination of  Real Property Number and IFWS Number forms a unique Service-wide code in the Real Property Inventory (RPI).  The Real Property Number is permanent and cannot be re-assigned to another property, even if the original building, structure, or facility is disposed of or destroyed. 
NNNNNN, where each N represents a number from 0 through 9.
Recommended Field Name REALPROPNUM
The official values to be used for this data element will be described in the Refuge Management Information System (RMIS) under Real Property Inventory. 
An electronic file of the values to be used for this data element is not available at the present time.

Part 270, FW 6, Data Management and Standards, dated September 30, 2002.

Real Property Inventory Database, Office of Information Technology and Management

Use Instructions
As of the approval date, this data element will be used in any new automated system, data set, database, or information application, including new Geographic Information System (GIS) data and applications. This data element will also be used in any major modifications to existing systems or versions of these data-related items that use real property numbers assigned by a unit manager to buildings and other structures and facilities (i.e., office, shop, visitor center, residence, road, foot trail, water control structure, bridge, and fence) owned or leased by the Service, or over which it has primary jurisdiction, in each State where the unit is located.

To ensure compliance with the Service Enterprise Architecture (SEA), Service staff are strongly encouraged to utilize this data element in existing systems, data sets, databases, and information applications. Where existing systems and data-related items are not in compliance, they should be modified to achieve compatibility and implement this data standard.

When a unit is located in one state, the same consecutive numbering system is continued throughout the unit. When a refuge is located in more than one state, each state portion is treated as a separate unit with its own set of consecutive property numbers. In the small wetlands program (i.e., waterfowl production area counties), each county is considered a separate unit and may have its own set of consecutive property numbers. Alpha characters cannot be used, and numbers cannot be duplicated within a single unit.

In order for each real property item to have a unique code in the Division of Realty's RPI database, the Real Property Number must be used in combination with the IFWS Number. The Service data standard for IFWS Number can be viewed at this site. Real property numbers and IFWS numbers will be handled as separate data fields in any new or modified automated system, and will not be combined in a single data field.

Approval Date
November 13, 2000
Validation Date
January 5, 2009
Data Steward
Martin Brockman, Refuge Program Specialist, Office of Information Technology and Management, National Wildlife Refuge System


Last updated: January 28, 2009