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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  gy:  dddhy  K:[  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO ddp8H #S2pPG; # NEWS L   %&xK  %&xK #Xw PE37{XP# X    Report No. CI 991 COMPLIANCE & INFORMATION ACTION January 5, 1999  X4' FCC Issues Second Warning to Owners of Radio Antenna Structures  X4after Ambulance Helicopter Nearly Hits Unlit Radio Tower in Florida Đ\ Following a second incident in less then a month, this one in Florida, where a helicopter ambulance nearly hit an unlit radio antenna, the Federal Communications Commission today once again warned owners of antenna structures to comply strictly with FCC antenna tower lighting and marking rules. The latest incident occurred near Arcadia, Florida on December 21, 1998, where the helicopter, on an urgent nighttime emergency call, was forced to "alter its approach pattern" when the pilot unexpectedly encountered a nearby unlit 500 foot antenna structure that was under construction without temporary warning lights. After being notified of this event by the helicopter company, agents of the FCC's Tampa Office investigated, confirmed that the tower was unlit, and took steps to ensure that the tower was promptly lit, and that the FAA was notified. The FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau (CIB) is continuing its investigation of the matter. The FCC issued its first warning to radio antenna structure owners on November 30, 1998, after a similar incident occurred near Muleshoe, Texas.  FCC rules require that during construction of an antenna structure for which obstruction lighting is required, a light shall be installed at the uppermost point of the structure. In addition, as the height of the structure exceeds each level at which permanent obstruction lights will be required, two similar lights are required. These temporary warning lights shall be displayed nightly from sunset to sunrise until the permanent lights have been installed and placed in operation. If a top tower light is extinguished for more than 30 minutes, the tower owner must notify the FAA so that local aircraft pilots can be warned. CIB Bureau Chief Richard D. Lee said: "We will not tolerate noncompliance with FCC Rules. We intend to enforce these safety of life requirements to the fullest." %&xK qԩ FCC  \News Media contact: Maureen Peratino at (202) 418-0500 Compliance and Information Bureau contact: Pam Hairston at (202) 418-1160