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188th Board Meeting - Feb 23 - 27, 2009

188th Board Meeting Information Agenda

Brown Tree Snake Information

Brown Tree Snake Documents

 What's New:

New version of DoDM 4150.07, Volume 1, Plan for the Certification of Pesticide Applicators published

An Instance of Tick Feeding to Repletion Inside a Human Nostril, by Gary P. Aronsen and Richard G. Robbins

Invasive Species Video "Defending Favorite Places"

2009 Aerial spray Category 11 Certification/Recertification will be available in Ft. Myers, Florida 12-15 January at the Lee County Mosquito Control District  For additional information, contact Major Karl Haagsma at 330-609-1412 com or DSN 346-1412.

Capt Timothy J. Davis is the winner of the 2008 Major General William D. Gilbert Award

New Publication Showcases Navy Entomology at the University of Florida

Rutgers University To Host International Symposium on Asian Tiger Mosquito

6th Annual Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop Spring 2009

Snapshot from our Image Library

ESA Attendees, Reno, NV. November 2008

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Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV.  November 2008.

Left to Right:

COL Scott Gordon, LCDR Brian Prendergast, CDR David Hoel, LTC Jamie Blow, LTC Bill Sames, LCDR Craig Stoops, LTC Van Sherwood, COL Steve Horosko, MAJ Kendra Lawrence, Maj Mark Breidenbaugh, LTC Eric Milstrey, 1LT Heather Ferguson, CAPT Stan Cope, LT Barry Furman

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Page Last Updated: Tuesday January 13, 2009 10:18:26