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 Small Drinking Water Systems
 and Capacity Development


This program addresses issues affecting drinking water systems serving populations of less than 3,300. Its main focus is on capacity development, which refers to the technical, financial, and managerial capacity of a system to provide safe drinking water. The program also provides information about treatment technology options for small systems.

EPA is working to identify additional affordable arsenic treatment technologies to enable small systems to comply with the revised arsenic maximum contaminant level. Promising technologies are being pilot-tested in the field. A list of small-system compliance treatment technologies is available.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Verification, Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: Water – drinking water treatment

Type of Support Provided: Information and technology transfer

Funding: None identified

Responsible EPA Office: Office of Water

See Also

Small Public Water Systems and Capacity Development

Small System Compliance Technology List of the Surface Water Treatment Rule


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