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 Center for Environmental Industry and
 Technology (CEIT) New England Interstate
 Regulatory Cooperation Project


The New England Interstate Regulatory Cooperation Project is an innovative federal/state partnership that provides an opportunity for federal and state environmental agencies to work cooperatively with the private sector in expediting the development and evaluation of promising innovative environmental technologies. Key government partners in this project include EPA-New England through the Environment Committee of the New England Governors' Conference (composed of the six state environmental commissioners) and the Center for Environmental Industry and Technology (designed to promote awareness of innovative technologies and to meet the needs of technology developers).

The project has technology agreements in the following areas:

Septic System Technologies – This agreement implemented a Regional Evaluation Program for septic system technologies; the program is carried out under the auspices of the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. As part of this program, the six New England states adopted a common protocol that standardizes the type of information required for permitting approval. For those whose technology is entered into the program, an Advisory Opinion is issued that provides guidance on the performance and cost of the technology. Advisory Opinions have been issued on seven individual technologies.

Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies – The six New England states and the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association signed this agreement on waste site assessment and cleanup technologies for smaller sites. In concert with industry input, an action plan has been developed. Key features of the plan include activities that will increase and improve information sharing and education for state and local personnel, promote broader acceptance of field analytical technologies for site characterization and monitoring, and address institutional barriers that impede the use of these newer technologies. The states have issued Advisory Opinions on immunoassay and X-ray fluorescence field analysis technologies.

Pollution Prevention Technologies – The six New England states, New York State, and the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association signed this agreement on pollution prevention technologies. This agreement calls for adopting EPA's Pollution Prevention Technology Application Analysis Template as a tool for sharing technical information on innovative, commercially available pollution prevention technologies.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Research or Proof of Concept, Development, Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: All media, cross media

See Also

EPA New England’s Center for Environmental Industry and Technology (CEIT)

Pollution Prevention (P2) Resources


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