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Ozark National Scenic RiverwaysCanoes with rocky bluff in background
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Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Caves and Karst

Over 300 caves have been identified within the boundaries of Ozark National Scenic Riverways, ranging from not much more than a rock overhang to one cave with almost seven miles of identified passages. Eight caves, including an open sinkhole, have been designated as outstanding natural features.

The Ozarks is an area typified by what is called "Karst Topography." This means that the geologic structures underneath the earth are made of soluble limestone and dolomite. Water has been at work underground wearing away passages- waterfilled ones we call springs and formerly water-filled ones we call caves. A karst landscape is one in which caves, springs, sinkholes and losing streams are found. Due to the porous nature of the ground, and the movement of water underground over sometimes great distances, groundwater in karst areas is particularly vulnerable to pollution.

Cave ecosystems are unique and delicately balanced, with major changes possibly occurring from relatively slight disturbances. Geologic formations in some caves are quite fragile, easily damaged by vandalism or visitor overuse. Their formation is extremely slow, and physical damage may remain in evidence for generations. Some caves have been used by man and animals since prehistoric times, and evidence of this use and artifacts may be easily obliterated. Some Ozark caves, which are better known or more easily reached, have received considerable visitation, and more damage and site deterioration have occurred. Caves may contain unsuspected hazards to visitors unfamiliar to such alien environments, and the threat of serious injury or death from falls or drowning is always present. Several caves have been identified as having critical habitat for the endangered Indiana and gray bats. Some of these caves are gated or signed to protect bat habitat. Please respect these closures.

Three caves are open to exploration by permit only. Branson Cave, Bluff Cave and Lost Man Cave. Click for permit information.

Both the Federal Government and the State of Missouri take protecting caves seriously. To review the applicable state and federal laws click:

Missouri Cave Resources Act

Federal Cave Resources Protection Act Of 1988

In many cases the Endangered Species Act and other laws may also apply.

Public Caves


Visitor in Round Spring Cave.

 ROUND SPRING CAVERN- The National Park Service conducts lantern tours for the public. These somewhat strenuous "underground hikes" are limited to the first 15 people. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a jacket or sweater, as it is cool in the cave. Tours are offered daily, at 10:00 and 2:00, during the summer months. Tickets are $5.00 for adults, $2.50 for children. Tickets go on sale 30 minutes before each tour and there are no reservations.

School groups may make special arrangements by calling 573-323-4236, ext 236. Please try to schedule your school visit outside of the summer months. (May or Sept)



 Devils Well - Located off Route KK near Akers, this unusual karst window allows a look at the earth's plumbing. Devils Well was formed when the roof of a huge cavern, containing an underground lake, collapsed. The result was large sinkhole, with an opening in the bottom through which you can view the lake. The water level is about 100 feet below the platform, and the lake may be as much as 80 feet deep. (it can fluctuate 8 to 10 feet depending on the weather.)

A "spiral staircase" has been built to allow viewing. The road is very steep and rough, it is not recommended for trailers or motorhomes. There is no admission fee for Devils Well and the area is open every day, all day.

 Jam Up Cave - Located on the Jacks Fork River between Rymers and Blue Spring. Jam Up is a spectacular cave, but can only be reached by boat. The high entrance is about 80 feet high and 100 feet wide.(Note the size of the mature trees in the photo.) Much of the cave is filled with water, and there is a small underground waterfall. There is a natural skylight that provides some light to the inside. Ceiling breakdowns have occurred in the recent past, so caution is warranted. (Of course, caution is warranted in any cave!)

Jam Up Cave is located within the Jacks Fork Natural Area. Missouri's "Natural Areas" program recognizes areas of great natural beauty or importance. This three mile stretch of the Jacks Fork River is home to four species of crayfish that are found only in the Ozarks and nine species of fish that are also limited to the Ozarks. There are many rare plants on the bluffs, some of which are "left-overs" from the ice ages. When the climate warmed, they survived in the cool wet niches among the bluffs and caves while their species became extinct elsewhere in Missouri. (Collecting any plants is prohibited by the National Park Service to preserve such rarities for your enjoyment.)


CAVE SAFELY! If you plan to visit Jam Up or any other cave on your own, remember to do it safely. Caves are potentially dangerous areas and if you enter one you are doing so at your own risk. The National Park Service does not encourage caving, nor is it prohibited in caves that are not otherwise closed to visitation. Professional cavers follow these safety rules and you should too:

  • 1. Never cave alone. Have at least four people in your group.
  • 2. Always have at least four dependable sources of light for each person.
  • 3. Always leave word with a dependable person on the surface of where you are going and when you'll be back. Remember to report in afterwards to this person so an unnecessary search isn't started.
  • 4. For the cave's safety, do not touch stalactites or stalagmites and pack out any litter you may find left behind by the less considerate. The natural oils and sweat on human hands can alter stalactites forever.

Some Cave Links

Water cascading through a shut in  

Did You Know?
"Shut Ins" are an Ozark term for small canyon-like areas where water and rock struggle. Ozark National Scenic Riverways' Rocky Falls is the best known in the park, but there are several more in less easily accessible areas such as near Klepzig Mill. More at

Last Updated: December 12, 2006 at 11:33 EST