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National Chicken Council (NCC) and
National Turkey Federation (NTF)

(signed January 6, 2005; concluded January 6, 2007)
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(Left to Right): Frank J. Cruice, Corporate Director for Safety and Security, Perdue Farms Incorporated; Alice C. Johnson, President, National Turkey Federation; Jonathan L. Snare, OSHA’s then-Acting Assistant Secretary; and George Watts, President, National Chicken Council sign National Alliance on January 6, 2005.
(Left to Right): Frank J. Cruice, Corporate Director for Safety and Security, Perdue Farms Incorporated; Alice C. Johnson, President, National Turkey Federation; Jonathan L. Snare, OSHA's then-Acting Assistant Secretary; and George Watts, President, National Chicken Council sign National Alliance on January 6, 2005.

Left to Right: Michael Rybolt, Scientific and Technical Affairs Coordinator, National Turkey Federation; Frank J. Cruice, Corporate Director for Safety and Security, Perdue Farms Incorporated, Alice C. Johnson, President, National Turkey Federation; Jonathan L. Snare, OSHA’s then-Acting Assistant Secretary; George Watts, President, National Chicken Council; and Steve Pretanik, Director of Science and Technology, National Chicken Council after the signing ceremony.
(Left to Right): Michael Rybolt, Scientific and Technical Affairs Coordinator, National Turkey Federation; Frank J. Cruice, Corporate Director for Safety and Security, Perdue Farms Incorporated, Alice C. Johnson, President, National Turkey Federation; Jonathan L. Snare, OSHA's then-Acting Assistant Secretary; George Watts, President, National Chicken Council; and Steve Pretanik, Director of Science and Technology, National Chicken Council after the signing ceremony.
Through the Alliance, OSHA NCC and NTF will provide NCC's and NTF's members and others with information, guidance and access to training resources that will help them protect the safety and health of employees, including those who speak languages other than English. In particular, the Alliance will address sharing best practices and technical knowledge on safety and health issues, including how to reduce and prevent exposure to ergonomic hazards associated with poultry processing. Goals include:

Training and education:
  • Work with OSHA to provide expertise to develop training and education programs for the poultry industry on ergonomics techniques, program structure and applications in the poultry industry, and to provide expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees in the industry.
Outreach and communication:
  • Develop and disseminate information and guidance in English, Spanish and other languages through print and electronic media, including electronic assistance tools and links from OSHA's, NCC's and NTF's Web sites.
  • Speak, exhibit or appear at OSHA's, NCC's or NTF's conferences, local meetings or other events such as the annual National Safety Conference for the Poultry Industry, the annual International Poultry Exposition and regular meetings of the Joint Poultry Industry Safety and Health Committee.
Promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:
  • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of safety and health and publicize their results.

Related Documents

Alliance Agreements Alliance Annual Reports Alliance News Releases
Activities and Events
  • November 1, 2006: NCC and NTF Safety and Health Committee Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Jonathan Worrell, Compliance Assistant Specialist, Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia East Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation on OSHA's Hexavalent Chromium Standard.
  • June 30, 2005: NCC and NTF Safety and Health Committee Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Jonathan Worrell, Compliance Assistant Specialist, Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia, East Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation on OSHA's cooperative programs, including the Alliance Program, Strategic Partnerships and the Voluntary Protection Programs.
  • May 31-June 2, 2005: National Safety Conference for the Poultry Industry, Ponte Verda Beach, Florida.
    • May 31, 2005: Joseph Roesler, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region IV, Jacksonville, Florida Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, gave an update on OSHA's Strategic Enforcement Plan.
    • June 2, 2005: David Wylie, a Partner at Jackson Lewis, and a member of the OSHA, NCC and NTF Alliance implementation team, gave an update on OSHA's Compliance, Enforcement and Outreach Policy, including the Alliance Program.
  • May 16, 2005: Perdue Farms Corporation Safety and Health Professional Development Conference, Ocean City, Maryland. Frank Cruice, Corporate Director, Safety and Security, Perdue Farms, Inc., gave a presentation that included an update on the OSHA and NCC/NTF Alliance to approximately 40 safety and health professionals.

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