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Center for Business and Public Policy (CBPP)
McDonough School of Business Georgetown University

(signed April 10, 2003; concluded April 10, 2005)
Related Documents | Activities and Events
OSHA’s then-Assistant Secretary, John Henshaw and John Mayo, Dean, McDonough School of Business shake hands after signing a national Alliance on April 10, 2003.
OSHA’s then-Assistant Secretary, John Henshaw and John Mayo, Dean, McDonough School of Business shake hands after signing a national Alliance on April 10, 2003.

The OSHA and CBPP Alliance focuses on encouraging the advancement of workplace safety and health as a topic for education in business schools' curricula and facilitating dialog on workplace safety and health issues. The Alliance's goals include:

Training and education:
  • Facilitating an active dialogue on safety and health issues by supporting an annual Workplace Safety Summit held at Georgetown University.
  • Participating in the CBPP's ongoing Industry, Policy, and Safety Seminar Series.
  • Encouraging the development of sound research by business and economic scholars to investigate the economic and ethical dimensions of workplace safety and health.
  • Exploring opportunities for educating the current executive workforce in the business value and competitive advantage associated with excellence in safety and health.
Outreach and communication:
  • Participating in working group meetings that explore workplace safety and health and other policy issues and create networks of mutual interest.

Related Documents

Alliance Agreements Alliance Annual Reports Alliance News Releases
Activities and Events
  • February 13, 2004: Workplace Safety Mini Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, "Occupational Safety and Health from a Regulatory Perspective," [PPT* - 278 KB], Frank Frodyma, Director, Directorate of Evaluation and Analysis, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation on OSHA's perspective of workplace safety and health.
  • November 14, 2003: Workplace Safety and Health: Corporate Perspectives, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
  • October 3, 2003: Workplace Safety and Health: What We Know, What We Think, and What We Wish We Knew, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
*These files are provided for downloading only.

Accessibility Assistance
: Contact the OSHA Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs at 202-693-2200 for assistance accessing OSHA PowerPoint materials.

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Page last updated: 02/26/2008