Sample of Completed Nomination Form

National Advocacy Center
1620 Pendleton Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201-3836
Telephone: (803) 705-5100
FAX: (803) 705-5110
OLE Course Contact:  Mary Jones (Please refer to course description)

Return Mailing Address: Must be typed and fit into the box below
John H. Doe
Office of General Counsel
Department of Energy
6th & D Sts, Washington, DC 21115
Course Name

Civil Federal Practice

Course Date(s):  March 20-24, 2000

Course Location:  Columbia, SC

Nominee's Name:  John H. Doe

E-mail Address:

[X ] Attorney [ ] Non-Attorney

Nominee's Title:  Trial Attorney

Office, Agency, or Department:

Office of General Counsel, Department of Energy

Phone Number:  (202) 555-5555

Fax Number:  (202) 555-7777

1. How long has the nominee been a lawyer / non-lawyer / support staff (circle one)?  5 yrs 3 mos
2. How long has the nominee been a lawyer / non-lawyer / support staff (circle one) in this particular office?  2 yrs
3. What percentage of nominee's work involves the subject(s) of the course?  75%
4. Indicate the level of skill or knowledge nominee has in this area:
[X ] Novice [ ] Intermediate [ ] Advanced
5. If nominee is being nominated for a trial advocacy course, please indicate the number of trials the nominee has
participated in:   15   Civil   0   Criminal
6. List all OLE courses that the nominee has attended in the last three years?
Advanced Employment Discrimination, June 8-10, 1999
Advanced Civil Pretrial Practice, Aug 24-27, 1999 
7. Has the nominee been nominated for this course in the past and not accepted?
[ ]No [X ]Yes, when?   Jan 98  
8. If necessary, please indicate any special considerations:  Nominee works directly with AUSAs on civil cases
Nominating Official's Name and Signature:  Jane Smith Title:  General Counsel
Phone Number:  (202) 555-5555
Fax Number:  (202) 555-0000
No. of Nominees Submitted
Order of Preference of this Nominee:  1