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President Abraham Lincoln (center), at a Union Army encampment in October 1862, following the battle of Antietam.  (Library of Congress)

Outline of U.S. History presents 15 chapters on U.S. history: early America, the colonial period, independence...

Aboriginal Australian dance member plays didgeridoo.

Search for Ancestors looks at the history of the double helix, the science behind DNA test kits for people who...

Great Sphinx of Giza is a large half-human Sphinx statue in Egypt, on the Giza Plateau at the west bank of the Nile River, near modern-day Cairo

Country Studies/Area Handbooks presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic...

'Mitchell's Map of the United States.' Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1835. Newberry Library call number: H6083.58.

Historic Maps in K-12 Classrooms offers lesson plans built around historically important maps on 18 topics: Columbus's...

State Dept 

National Science Foundation 

Library of Congress 

Endowment for Humanities 
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