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U.S. History Topics » Ethnic Groups » Hispanic Americans
See All 8 Resources
Architectural Drawing, 1685. Diego de la Sierra. Archivo General de Indias, Seville

Vistas: Visual Culture in Spanish America, 1520-1820 examines colonial-era Spanish America -- a region that covered much of the Americas...

Drawing of Juan Bautista de Anza, from a portrait in oil by Fray Orsi in 1774.

Web de Anza is an interactive environment for studying Spain's exploration and colonization of "Alta...

Image of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

Project REACH: Recursos para la Ensenanza y el Aprendizaje de las Culturas Hispanas offers resources on the history and literature of the Spanish language, Latino cultures...

Painting by Octavio Ocampo

The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers Struggle tells the story of a man, a union, and a time when millions of Americans joined a just...

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 
  See All 8 Hispanic Americans Resources  

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